33. Who said revenge was sweet?

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I was sitting in the Grill, nursing my drink, trying to figure out how it all went so wrong. Moving here was supposed to be a fresh start. Life was supposed to get better in Mystic Falls, from the way mom had spoken about growing up here, it had all sounded so perfect. How could she be so wrong? Both our fates, as twisted as they were, had been sealed the second she made the decision to come back here.

I put the fact that I didn't notice someone sit next to me down to self-wallowing. It wasn't until the person coughed in a notice me way, did I turn. When I did I couldn't help the look of surprise on my face. "Joseph?" I hadn't seen him since the day I had compelled and used him, when my humanity was turned off. Of course, he wouldn't remember that day at all.

I noticed he looked pleased that I knew his name. "I know your name too Jessica." He informed me. I don't know what he expected me to say to that, so I didn't say anything. He took that as a cue to keep talking, "I've seen you around school."

Ok, now I was getting bored. He was just stating the obvious, of course he has seen me at school, we go to the same one. "What can I do for you Joseph?" I asked, hoping he would find his way to a point if I steered him. He didn't seem annoyed in the slightest by the annoyed tone of my voice.

"Well, I heard you broke up with your boyfriend... so I thought I would take you out sometime." He answered confidently. Was he serious? I literally just broke up with Damon and he thought it was appropriate to ask me out already? Hell, even the way he said it, as if he was doing me a favour really annoyed me. "No, thank you." I stated, turning my attention back to my drink.

"Why not?" I could hear the underlining anger in his words. He probably wasn't used to people saying no to him. I once again looked at him, "Trust me Joseph, you do not want to go out with me." I was looking him in the eye as I spoke, willing him to take the hint.

"At least give me a chance." He insisted. I could feel my self control starting to waiver. Maybe I should give him a chance... to see why it was such a bad idea. I was getting thirsty, and not for alcohol. Unfortunately... or fortunately, depending on whose point of view you were looking at, I didn't get a chance to speak. At that exact moment a hand landed on Joseph's shoulder. "I believe the lady said no."

My eyes travelled from the hand, up the arm, until they landed on Klaus' amused face. His gaze wasn't on Joseph however, it was on me, and I couldn't help but stare back. Joseph's voice pulled me out of the light trance I seemed to be in. "I think I'd rather hear it from her if you don't mind dude."

I looked at Joseph, how crazy was he? Did he have an actual death wish? And has anyone ever called Klaus, the big bad original, dude before? I let my eyes start to darken, and I smiled, showing my teeth. "No!" I snapped. Joseph almost fell off his seat. "What the hell are you?" He stammered, causing me to sigh. "God only knows." I muttered as I reached out and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to look me in the eyes. "You didn't see what you think you saw." I saw his pupils dilate and knew the compulsion took. I sat back and smiled at him, "No thank you Joseph... now leave."

He stood up, shrugging Klaus's hand from his shoulder and started to leave, while muttering under his breath. To be fair, had he not been standing next to a vampire and... whatever the hell Klaus was, we probably wouldn't have heard it. Unfortunately the 'stuck up bitch' comment did not go un-heard. I saw a flicker of anger flash in Klaus's eyes and before I could react he had a grip of Joseph's arm. "What the hell man?" Joseph asked loudly.

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