21. Nice try Damon

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I had to admit, the shower did feel wonderful. I stayed under the flow of the hot water for nearly an hour as it loosened up my tight muscles. When I finally stepped out of the shower I did feel more relaxed. I left the en-suite bathroom and walked straight into the bedroom. Damon stood there staring at me, his hand un-moving in the drawer of his dresser. I stood for a moment with my hands on my hips. When I finally did speak it seemed to snap him out of a trance.

"Well, if I'm going to be stuck here I'm going to need some clothes, I can't really walk around like this now can I?" I felt a cold smile form on my lips, "Or maybe I could. Who knows, Stefan might like what he sees..."

Damon left the room, anger on his face causing me to laugh bitterly. I was obviously going to break him before he even had a chance of breaking me. Still laughing I went to his dresser and helped myself to one of his shirts. When I slipped it on it came to just above my knee. I suppose this would have to do for now.

With nothing much else to do I climbed on top of his large bed and made myself comfortable. I grabbed the television remote from his bedside table and turned on the television. After about five minutes I came across an old episode of Supernatural and left it on. I was about half way through the show when there was a knock on the bedroom door. I ignored it hoping whoever it was would just go away.

No such luck, when I didn't respond after sixty seconds the door opened and Caroline put her head in with her eyes closed. "Are you decent?"

I smirked at her; "I take it you were talking to Damon?" was all I replied. She slowly opened one eye, and upon seeing me clothed opened her other eye and pushed the door open wider letting her self in. "I also see that you still haven't got the concept of not walking in without permission."

I didn't miss the sad look that briefly crossed her face as I turned my attention back to the television. Apparently she didn't get the subtle hint, as she came deeper into the room. She dropped a suitcase on the floor. "I just thought you might want some of your own clothes and things." Her voice was very soft as she spoke. Ok that got my attention. My eyes were drawn to case by her feet.

Before Caroline could say anything further I was standing in front of her. She eyed me suspiciously as I stood there, and I realised that there was also the possibility that Damon warned her about how I broke his neck. Before she could back off I threw my arms around her in a hug before letting my arms drop and stepping back.

I stood there, holding my hands behind my back smiling at her. "Thanks Caroline, I didn't really fancy spending the next god knows how long wearing Damon's clothes."

I could see she was still wary, but now she had a big smile on her face. "No problem Jessi, if you need anything else just let me know and I'll get it for you."

And with that she was gone. I almost laughed out loud as I took Caroline's phone from behind my back. It had been too easy to pick it from her back pocket while I hugged her. God these people were so freaking gullible. I quickly turned the phone off and hid it under the mattress. That was going to come in handy. I was in a much better mood now so whistling happily to myself I made my way downstairs.

When I entered the library it was empty so I made a beeline for the music and turned it up full. Then I ran down to the blood fridge... hey, what else was I going to call it... and got myself a blood bag. I mixed the blood with whiskey in a large glass and then started dancing. I mean just because I was stuck here... for now, didn't mean I couldn't enjoy myself. An hour passed before Damon entered the room again. He took one look at me and took off. I probably should have followed him but I was enjoying myself too much to care what he was doing. Yeah... I was gonna regret that decision.

A Fresh Start (Damon, OC, Klaus)Where stories live. Discover now