3. The Salvatores

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At the bleachers I saw Jeremy. He waved as I walked over,

"Hey Jessi, way to go with Tanner! That was cool."

Great, if he knew already then so did my mother. Now I defiantly needed a cigarette. He asked me how I was getting on with his sister and her friends. "Yeah I really like them. You definitely called that one. Although..."

His left eyebrow raised slightly in question, "What?"

I told him about my journals, and about the different reactions I sensed from his sister and friends, and the ones I saw. Jeremy laughed. He explained that if the crazy stuff in my journals was anything like his, it was about vampires. It did make me feel a bit better that it wasn't just my ancestors, and I realised I was relieved. I liked Elena and the others, I didn't want them to think I was from a crazy family. 

We talked for a few mothers, mostly about some place called the Grill where everyone hung out. Jeremy had to go to class, however, I decided to have another cigarette. Just as I lit it, I heard a voice behind me, "What a disgusting habit."

I jumped and spun around, letting out a very girly squeel. The man from Main Street, the one I had bumped into, was standing behind me. He was standing so close my hand brushed against him as I turned. He grabbed my shoulders, and I felt fear seep through me. He moved his face in close to mine, and without breaking eye contact spoke quickly. "You are repulsed by cigarettes, you will never smoke again." He stepped back, when he broke eye contact, I blinked several times. I noticed I had a cigarette in my hand. I threw it to the ground. Why was I smoking? I hated them.

The man was talking, "So these journals you have, they talk of Stefan, Damon and Katherine?"

I looked at him confused, "How did you know about my Journals?"

"You intrigued me when we met. People around here know to be... polite to me. So I've been following you!"

He said it so calmly, like it was normal behaviour. I gasped, remembering what I thought I had seen at my window the night before. His lips broke into a large smile, showing his sharp teeth. "Yes that was me last night. Now about those journals?"

I started to back away, not taking my eyes of him. This psycho just admitted to stalking me, why did he think I would tell him anything. I had to get away from him. He looked impatient and before I could react he was suddenly inches from me again, "Tell me what I want to know." He demanded, his eyes dilating again.

I found myself answering him, "yes, I found a box of journals belonging to my ancestors, Tomas and Honoria Fell." He moved an inch closer, "And what do they mention about Katherine and the Salvatore's?"

"They mention Katherine being a vampire along with other town members, and about her using some kind of mind control on the brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore. It talks about how they used the Gilbert Compass to round up and kill all the vampires. Damon and Stefan were apparently killed trying to save Katherine, by their own father."

"And what do you think about all of that?"

I tilted my head as I thought, "Obviously mass hysteria was very much alive here in the 1800's, but even if it were true, for any man to kill his own sons for any reason other than self defence is simply horrible and unforgivable. I mean they were basically killed for being in love. I've never been in love, but I saw what my mother put up with when she thought she loved my father. People shouldn't be punished for love."

The man looked both surprised and impressed with my answer, that was twice I had done that to him, which really didn't happen often, he said as much, "You know, you keep surprising me. You're just too interesting to kill yet!"

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