Chapter 9

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I woke up in Justin’s arms, he was still sound asleep. Without waking him, I slowly, and carefully moved so I could face him. I studied his facial features precisely, and he looked exactly like an angel. Everything was so surreal, I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around the fact, that I was the girlfriend of the most perfect boy in the world. I mean, he wasn’t perfect to everyone, but to me he was. 

I loved every little thing about him, the fact that his nose slightly crinkled when he laughed, and the way he steamed when he was angry about something. 

I was the luckiest girl in the world, and I had everything I could ever of wished for. 

I could feel his breath becoming more heavy, and his eyes started to slightly open. Then without anything said, he pushed his lips against mine, and I fell in love, once again.

I stared at the girl in the mirror, and remembered my childhood. I couldn’t remember many things in detail. The one thing I did remember, was when father left us. When he walked at the house with gritted teeth, and perspiration on his forehead, from yelling so violently. Mum and dad fought constantly, and I remember always praying on the edge of my bed for silence. Mum never regained her full confidence after dad left. She was always drinking or sleeping. I practically raised myself. I hid behind the walls of that house and after I left high school, I vowed to never treat a child of mine they way she did to me. 

I shivered and began to tie my hair into rough ponytail. 

From nowhere, Justin peeped around the edge of the bathroom door. He had a toothbrush in his mouth, and managed to be still smiling. 

He tiptoed over to me, and wrapped his warm arms around me. He looked in the mirror, and now the reflection was not only me, but him too. 

“Now who’s that beautiful girl there?” he managed to speak, with the toothbrush in his mouth. He took it out, and gave me a huge, sloppy, toothpaste kiss on the cheek. 

I pushed him away, laughing at him and the toothpaste mark on my cheek. 

He washed his mouth in the sink, and then came back towards me. 

“Go away you freak” I laughed, wiping the remains of the toothpaste of my cheek. I pushed him away lightly, but he responded back strongly, and kissed me wildly then ever. 

I kissed him back, and through my arms around him. He picked me up in a matter of seconds, and twirled me around, nearly knocking numerous bathroom items over. I pulled away biting my lip, and relaxed my arms on his shoulders. 

“Imogen’s going to be here soon” I told him, as he sat me down on the edge of the sink. 

“I know, I know” he cheekily grinned, and leaned in to kiss me again. 

He picked me up again and I laughed behind the kiss. He pulled me out of the bathroom, and slowly into the hallway. He sat me down again, except on the railing of the staircase this time, still holding my back securely.

“Why does Imogen have to come over again” he laughed, stroking my hair. 

“Because she’s my best friend, and I want to see her” I told him. 

“I’m you’re best friend” he cheekily smiled at me. 

“No, you’re my boyfriend.” 

“..and your best friend” he smiled widely. 

“No.” I argued, wrapping my legs around his waist again.

“What do I have to do to be both?” 

“Go like shopping, and do your nails with me, and gossip about boys, and watch girly movies with me” I said sarcastically in a girly voice.

“I’ll take you shopping any day, I’ll paint my toes, I’ll gossip if you want me to, and I’ll watch maximum of 2 girly movies with you. Then can I be your best friend?” 

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