Chapter 17

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I could hear someone whispering in my ears. Praying. I couldn’t make out each word. 

And it was quiet. I could hear some sort of beeping sounding from the distance. 

“...Justin?” a familiar voice asked. 

I opened my eyes slowly, afraid of what I’d see. My heart was heavy, and my leg was throbbing with pain. 

“Justin! Oh hunny, thank god you’re okay!” Mum exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in relief. 

“Mum?” I asked. I couldn’t contemplate where I was. 

And then I knew. I was in a hospital. I remembered everything. The crash, The car, The scream. 


“Oh my god, where is she?” I asked worried, already flipping the hospital sheets off my warm body. 

“Who?” Mum asked, although she knew exactly who I meant. 

“Emily” I said, climbing out of the bed. I fell against the bedside table at my first attempt. y leg causing me to wobble. Why did it hurt so much. 

“Justin,” Mum started. “Just sit down, the doctor said to stay here. You’re under antibiotics.” 

“Mum” I looked at her sternly. 

She looked down, biting her lip. 

“Where is she?” I asked, raising my voice. 

Mum sighed and didn’t say a word. I pushed past her, limping and using every ledge and solid to hold me up. Mum tried to pull me back, but I shrugged her off. I stumbled out the room, searching anxiously for any sign of Emily. 

I peeped through every door, but most were empty. 

My heart pumped so fast, I could barely breathe. I looked especially crazy, walking around  like a crazy man. 

Doctors buzzed past me, in a rush to be somewhere. Everything was almost closing in on me. I wanted to punch something, and I didn’t know why. I was just so upset, and in pain. I needed to see Emily. I didn’t even know if she was safe or okay. 

I grabbed one of the doctors sleeves, looking desperate but also serious. 

“I need to know.. I need to know what room Emily Brown is in..” I stuttered, still catching my breath. 

“I think you should get back to your room Sir” the man directed me towards my room, practically pushing me. 

“No! Just tell me where she is. Is she okay? Tell me she’s okay?” I yelled, causing people near me to give me worried and weird looks. 

“I think you need to calm down..” 

“Emily Brown. I need her room, god dammit!” I yelled, wriggling out of his grasp drastically, and walking around, what seemed the never-ending hospital corridor. 

I eventually gave up and fell against the wall. My head fell into my hands and I began to sob. I couldn’t imagine what everyone in the hospital were thinking. 

“R..Room 80.” I heard a sudden whisper over me. 

I looked up to see the same doctor hovering over me. I pulled myself up and began searching eagerly for the number. I turned around and yelled out ‘Thank you’. 

I hopped towards the room’s down the corridor. 

I hated hospitals. I hated how everything about them were white and plain. The atmosphere was always dramatic or gloomy. 

73, 74, 75. I read the numbers, limping as fast as I could. 

Finally, at the end of the corridor. Room 80 stood. I almost forgot how to open the door, and I was scared to walk in the room. 

But I eventually turned the knob with my eyes closed. I opened them to find an unconscious Emily, sleeping on a bed. I hurried to her side and kneeled down beside her, trying to forgot about the pain in my leg. 

I gasped at her cuts and bruises and I immediately felt responsible. Her body was attached to so many chords and wires. My heart sank. 

“Emily?” I spoke, touching her hand. But there was no response. 

She was fast asleep. 

“She’s in an induced coma” I cracky voiced sounded from behind me. 

“What?” I asked, facing away from Emily. 

A scrawny lady stood at the doorway, clutching her hands close to her side. 

“Is she going to be okay?” I mumbled, looking back at the motionless body. 

“She’s suffered a few injuries to her head, and her body has suffered from a few minor cuts and bruises.” The nurse informed me, moving closer to the hospital bed. 

She didn’t answer my question. 

“And...?” I asked, growing more and more anxious of her answer. 

“I expect her to wake up in a few days.” She finally spoke, hovering over Emily. 

“Thank god” I breathed thankfully, and traced Emily’s hand with my index finger. 

“Emily will be fine. Mr..?” she asked for my name. 

“Bieber” I explained. Her eyes widened, finally recognizing who I was. 

“Well, Mr Bieber, I suggest you go back to your room. Emily will be fine in our hands. I assure you.” 


I quickly told Emily goodbye, knowing I wouldn’t get a response, and kissed her lightly on the cheek and left the room.  

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