Chapter 6 - Drink, drank, drunk, wasted

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"Cupi!" My brother exclaimed and pulled me in a short but tight hug and I responded immediately.

"How's the business doing?" He asked while ending our hug. Just a second later a grin showed up on his lips and he put a hand on my shoulder "Oh right! You are on a break because people can't take this much love."

I pushed my shoulder back so his hand fell off and faked a laugh "Ha ha you are so funny, Luce."

"I know." He looked proud at me "And I know what we are going to do today." Lucifer pointed at a bottle in his hand which I didn't notice earlier.
It was a brown bottle made of glass with a red etiquette on it - looked like a liquor bottle you can buy in every shop.

"Alcohol?" I questioned his idea. I knew alcohol doesn't work on angels, we're not able to get drunk - same counts for fallen angels.

Lucifer shook his head and laughed while hanging his arm over my shoulder "This, my little brother, is holy water mixed with the blood of souls from hell."

"This sounds disgusting." I said and eyed the bottle.

"Indeed. It is disgusting and too much-...well, how should I call it?-...'soul blood' could put us directly in this not-so-fancy situation called 'dead'." Luce explained objectively.

Is there a "but"? I hope so.


There it is.

"But it has the same effect on us as alcohol has on humans. Means, we're going to have a lot of fun tonight." He grinned. Human beings would describe it as a satanic grin. So friendly and beautiful, but on the other hand, so whimsically and with a little smirk which he was trying to hide. Everyone would have known he's up to do something stupid just by seeing this smirk.

Some might think now, why am I telling you so much about Lucifer?
It is because of one simple reason: a few months later he managed to mess up my whole mission.
I'm going to tell you more about that later - we've got enough time.

To sum it up, the day Lucifer visited me was mostly a brilliant day, at least the parts which I can remember, but it was a turn for my whole life.

Whenever Luce said "drink", I drank.

We drank half the bottle of "wing burner" - that's the name he gave to the alcohol for angels - and visited three bars. At least I can remember three of them. Later Lucifer told me we visited five bars.

There only two things I remember from this night.
First of all I remember a girl. A stunningly beautiful girl. I wasn't able to remember where we met or what we were talking about but I could always imagine this breathtaking creature.

Long wavy brown hair was hanging over her shoulders and her eyes so light green like they could look right in your soul. Her skin was rather pale and some decent freckles went from her nose down to her cheeks which had a delicate pink touch.

For months I couldn't find out where I met this girl and as I did it was by a fortunate coincidence.

The second thing I remember isn't as great, looking back it's rather rude and unsentimental.
Once more I can't remember where this happened and whenever I asked Luce he avoided to give me a proper answer.

We were standing outside, probably in a park, because there was grass on the ground and trees were surrounding us. The sun was about to set or about to rise which was visible in the play of colors that was laying on every centimeter of our surroundings.

There was a group of people and a little girl with a white teddy bear in her hand was tugging on my jacket
"My mummy is an angel now, right?"

"No." I replied objective while looking in the distance, watching the group. I knew humans don't become angels when they die, their souls go to their happy place. Means, the place where they always wanted to be. They live a new life there and everything is perfect - except for the one's that go to hell. Actually I told her the truth, but the girl started tearing up. I had no idea why.

"Daddy said mummy is an angel now..." she sobbed.

The next moment Lucifer walked over to us and looked at me while shaking his head "You got no knowledge about human nature at all, am I right?"

He kneeled down so he was on eye level with the little girl and smiled "Sweetheart, your mother may not be an angel now but I can assure you that she's happy. She's always with you as long as you keep her in good memory - she loves you."

The girl nodded and wiped off her tears with the back of her hands.

One memory lapse later Luce was standing beside me again and the girl was gone.
"You are so cheesy" I teased him and nudged his side with my elbow.

"Look who's talking!"

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