This Isn't an Update

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Okay guys. Quick question for you all. So, there's only two chapters left for Everything Has Changed. Would you guys be cool with just those last two chapters? I've had a couple people that asked for the story to be longer, which is fine if that's what you guys want. I just don't have anything written up or planned out after the last two chapters and I don't know how long it will take me to write more. I don't want to disappoint you guys with this story. I've noticed a lot of writers try and extend their stories but they'll just randomly stop writing because they're busy or they get bored or whatever their reasons. I don't want to do that here and I hate it when that happens. So, I'm asking you guys cuz you've all been so great about this story. I have a few other stories I can work on and a few other ideas I wanted to try, but if you guys really want this, then that's where I'll put my focus. Should I just finish and post the last two chapters and end the story where it was supposed to, or do you guys want me to try and stretch it out, even if it takes awhile to write more?

If you guys have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment or shoot me a message. I try and respond to as many as I can, but sometimes I don't get the notification and I don't see it. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this story. I'm glad you guys like it!

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