~Chapter Three~

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Standing in the doorway, glaring at my table was the same girl I had bumped into in the barn aisle. "What's wrong Rilee," Tori asked, noticing the look on my face.

"I may or may not have bumped into Regina in the barn aisle and spilled her diet Coke on her," I replied, grimacing. "She told me if I did anything else to make her mad she would make me regret ever coming to this school."

"Well that's not good because as of right now it looks like you're gonna steal her man."

"Why would it look like that? Oh...," Drew said as he looked down. We were sitting super close to the point where we were almost touching. "Oh man. She looks mad," he said as she made her way to our table still glaring.

When she reached our table she stopped and cocked her hip. She put her hands on her hips and smirked at me. "Hey babe," she said, sitting on Drew's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. He put his arms around her waist and she looked at me,"I see my boyfriend has been kind enough to say hi to the awkward new girl," she said with a smug grin.

I forced a laugh,"Well we can't all be spoiled little rich brats who get anything by ringing a bell." I demonstrate by pretending to ring a little bell.

She tossed her head in a laugh, "Don't go green with envy there honey. I would say you at least have something (being good looks) but if I did I would be lying."

I glared at her and she turned to Drew. "Come on babe, lets go sit with our friends," she said emphasizing the word friends.

Drew obediently stood up and starting walking away after saying a quick bye. Regina turned around and mouthed "He's mine so back off or else," at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my lunch. I felt Tori staring at me and I looked up,"What, " I asked, slightly annoyed.

"You do realize she will be going after you for the rest of the year now," Tori asks.

"I really don't care right now. You know what, I'm going to go to the barn to ride,"I say, sighing. I take my lunch tray up and throw everything away and set the tray on a rack with other trays.

I go back to the dorm and change into teal breeches with black accents. I pulled on a black Pink sweatshirt and my Ariat tall boots. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket and head down to the barn.

When I get there I head right to Dandy's stall and let myself in. "Hey baby," I say lovingly. I sroke his shiny sholder amd lay my head against his neck. "I love you so much buddy. Do you want to ride?" For the first time since I entered his stall, he looks at me. I giggle and pet him,"I'll take that as a yes."

I exit his stall and grab my grooming box out of my tack trunk. I set it next to a pair of crossties then fetch Dandy out of his stall. I tie him in the pair of crossties then get to work on grooming him. It doesn't take that long since he has been inside since we got here.

After I finish grooming him, I make my way to the tack room to gather my tack. In the tack room I find my tack and work my way back to Dandy, trying to balance everything.

I think I am about to lose my bridle sitting on top of the pile when I hear a boy's voice say,"Do need help with that?"

I turn slowly around so I don't drop anything and see who was talking. When I see him I almost drop everything anyway. Standing in front of me is a gorgeous guy. He has light blonde hair and hazel eyes. "Yes, please!" I reply. "I thought my arms were going to fall off," I joke.

He grabs my cinch, bridle, and saddle pad and we head towards my stall. "So...," I say. "Do you ride?"

"Yep, a school horse mare named Kitkat. She is a Quarter Pony."

"How tall is she," I ask.

"14.2 hands so just barely a pony."

"That's cool! This is my warmblood Platinum Playboy or Dandy," I tell him as we reach my stall. We set my stuff down on my tack trunk and he stands up to leave.

"Wait, do you want to trade numbers in case either of us need something? Like if I need a strong set of arms to carry my tack again," I say quickly before he leaves.

He looks pleasantly surprised,"Sure, that would be nice," he replies, smiling.

We trade numbers and he turns to leave again. Once he's about twenty feet down the aisle I relize something,"Wait," I shout. He turns around. "What's your name?"

He smiles,"Cody."

"Bye Cody," I wave. He waves back then leaves.

I tack up Dandy and lead him towards one of the indoor arenas. I use the mounting block to get on Dandy right outside of the arena then ride through the gate. Inside there is only one other person riding. It is a tall redhead girl riding a leggy bay thoroughbred.

I walk to the rail and warm-up by walking and trotting. After a few minutes, I move my outside leg back a few inches and tap and Dandy jumps into a graceful canter. I tip his head a little to the inside and bring him through the middle. He did a flawless lead change when I asked for it and we headed in the other direction.

I did some collections and extensions then walked him out. I headed back to my stall and put Dandy away after untacking him and rubbing him down. I stacked my tack in my arms, wishing Cody was here to help.

I walked to the tackroom and paused outside because I heard someone talking. I heard another person answer and I stepped closer to the door to try and hear what wats being said. I heard Regina talking to someone. "She thinks she's so cool talking that way to me at lunch but she'll regret it."

"Of course, no one talks to you like that," a girl agreed.

I stepped back quickly when the door opened and Regina and a brunette walked out. "Were you eavesdropping," she asked with raised eyebrows. "Whatever. Watch out you're in my way," she sassed.

I didn't want to bother with her so I stepped out of the way and walked into the tack room and put my stuff away. I rubbed my temples to try to get rid of the headache starting to form. I couldn't deal with Regina right now.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading!

TBH I'm not totally in love with this chapter. I promise it will get better soon.

This chapter is dedicated to spiritofthehorsee for all of her support. You are amazing girl!

The person in the media is Regina.

Teaser: Spending some personal time with Drew.

What do you think about Drew and Cody? Don't forget to vote and comment!

Abbi ♥♥

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