~Chapter Thirty One~

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I sat up quickly as I realized what day it was- Christmas! I slipped on my fuzzy slippers and darted out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the lit tree.

Gasping in delight, my eyes roved over the numerous gifts piled under the tree. A particularly large gift in the corner especially stuck out. My sister came hurrying down the stairs- she was home on Christmas break from college- and joined me next to the tree.

"I can't wait to start opening these!" I exclaimed, looking at all the presents decorating the floor around the tree.

My sister laughed, "Me too. We just have to wait for mom and dad to get down here. Maybe we should start breakfast while we are waiting so we aren't tempted to open some of these," she said motioning to the presents at our feet.

I laughed, "Yeah me too! I'm thinking pancakes, what do you think?"

Sara nodded, "Sure, sounds good. They're easy and quick." I followed her to the kitchen where she grabbed the pancake mix. I got the griddle out as she mixed up the ingredients.

About thirty minutes later we had a feast laid out on the table. Before long, my parents came down the stairs. "Yum, that smells great," my mom wrapped her mint green robe around her tighter. "Thank you girls," she said, coming over and hugging us both.

Sara smiled sheepishly, "We kinda have a selfish reason for it too though. We wanted to be able to open our presents quicker."

My dad laughed, "Leave it up to you girls to figure out the quickest way to get us out of bed- food!"

We all filled our plates with pancakes, sausage, eggs, and bacon. I poured myself a glass of milk and we all headed out to the living room where we ate on the floor, watching Frosty the Snowman.

After we all finished eating it was time to open presents. "Rilee do you want to go first since your the youngest?" My dad asked me.

I laughed. "I will never turn down a chance to open presents first!" I grabbed a small red box with my name on it. The wrapping paper landed on the floor within seconds and I found a little square blue box. I opened it up and found a horsehair bracelet with a charm that said both Dandy and I's names.

"It is made out of hair from Dandy's tail," my mom said. "I cut a chunk out before you left."

"Aww, mom, thanks! I will cherish it for forever!" I stood up and hugged her. She motioned for me to hold my wrist out and she clasped the bracelet on it. I held it out in the light and admired it. "It's gorgeous!"

We kept taking turns opening up presents until there was only one more left- the large one in the corner. My dad grabbed it and lugged it over to me. "This is for you from all of us."

I looked at Sara and she smiled at me excitedly. "Open it! You'll love it!"

I ripped the paper off quickly and tore open the box. "Dog food!? That's my last present?"

Sara laughed, "No you nitwit! Think about it. What eats dog food?"

"Dogs?" I answered as more of a question than a statement.

She nodded, "Yeah, and..."

I thought about it for a minute and it suddenly dawned on me, "No way! No way! Did you get me a dog!?"

"Nope," my mom shook her head laughing.

"What!? Now I'm totally confused." I told her.

Sara couldn't contain herself anymore. "We got you a puppy!"

Just then an adorable red and white Australian Shepherd puppy came barreling into the room, a green leash trailing behind it. A few seconds layer a red faced Matt came into the room, breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry, Mr and Mrs Black. The little spitfire yanked the leash right out of my hand."

"It's fine Matt," my dad replied. "In fact, it couldn't have been better timing."

The puppy, finished with its race padded over to me and plopped down on my lap, where she promptly curled up in a ball and fall asleep. "Aww," I cooed, looking down at the ball of fuzz quietly snoring on my lap. "She's adorable. Thank you so much guys!" I looked at Matt, "Were you involved?" I directed my question towards him.

He nodded, "Rach and I both. She's grabbing the rest of the stuff from my truck."

I looked out the window and sure enough, Rachel was struggling to get up the iced over sidewalk toward our front door. She had an armful of puppy supplies.

After letting Rach in, I surveyed the supplies she dropped on the couch. Bowls, a brush, nail clippers, shampoo, toys, and other stuff was strewn across the room. Matt unhooked the leash from the collar. "This was my gift to you that I was telling you about. I was going to give it to you before this but..."

I smiled, "You don't have to explain. I get it. And Matt..." He looked at me. "Thank you." He smiled and scratched his neck.

"No problem Ri, you deserve it."

"Okay, so I have one question." I looked at my mom.

"Yeah?" She focused her attention on me.

"Am I allowed to take her back to ROA with me?"

"Yep! Your dad and I talked to your dorm manager who talked to the headmistress and they decided as long as you keep your grades up and she doesn't make a mess you can."

"Okay, thanks mom."

"Now I have one question."

I looked at Sara, "Yeah?"

"What are you going to name her?"

Suddenly everyone was interested, "Um, I think... Dash," I said as she jumped off my lap and preceded to run laps around the living room. "Dash."



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Yay! An update!

The book is almost done, there should only be a couple of more chapters!

Surprised!? A puppy! Isn't she adorable!? I love her already and she isn't even real!

Thank you for all of your support for the writing contest! We won!! I am so happy! I never thought this book would come this far but with your help, it has!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤

~Abbi 🗼

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