~Chapter Five~

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I woke up Sunday morning at six. I got up quietly so I didn't wake up Tori and went to the bathroom. I slipped into a pair of beige breeches and a blue polo. I brushed my hair and re-braided it. After I put a little mascara and concealer on, I was ready. I slipped back out of the bathroom and grabbed my tall boots before heading to the barn.

I got to the barn about quarter after six and I put Dandy into a pair of crossties, groomed him, and tacked him up. I took him to one of the indoor arenas and I mounted. The arena was empty except for a line of three jumps. They were all verticals of increasing height.

I warmed up quickly on the rail then turned to the line of jumps. I circled Dandy at the beginning of the line then pointed him at the first jump.

Dandy perked his ears and sped up a little. I half halted to get his attention back on me.

3, 2, 1, NOW I counted in my head. On NOW I rose into the perfect half point. I focused on the next jump. At the right time Dandy snapped his knees up and we cleared it.

Now Dandy got excited and sped up again. I half halted but he didn't listen. He took off at the long spot. I heard a solid thud and cringed. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and sure enough the rail was lying in the sand.

I halted Dandy and dismounted. Once I had fixed the rail, I got on again and redid the course. This time we did better and didn't knock a rail.

"Good job," I heard someone say. I whipped my head around and saw a girl about my age with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was sitting on a tall dapple grey. "Hi, my name is Raelynn."

"I'm Rilee and this is Platinum Playboy or Dandy," I replied smiling at her. "What's your horse's name?"

This is Hollywood Blitz or just Blitz. She is an of the track thoroughbred. (OTTB)

"Are you testing next Saturday," I ask her.

"Yes, and I'm super nervous."

"Me too. I think I'm going to practice as much as I can. I'm not ready yet."

"From what I just saw you will do great," Raelynn replied motioning to the arena and jumps.

"Thanks, I'm done now but have a good practice!"

"Okay thanks, maybe I'll see you tomorrow in some classes."

"I hope so bye," I waved.

After untacking Dandy and putting him in his stall, I went back to the room where Tori was just waking up. For the rest of the day we hung out, talked, and watched Pretty Little Liars.




The next day I woke up to my alarm going off at six again. I rolled over and slapped the snooze button. Tori groaned then sat up quickly. "Today's the first day of school!"

"And you're excited?" I said in a monotone.

"Of course! This is one of my favorite days of the year," she replied happily.

I just rolled my eyes and pulled my sheets over my head only to be jumped on a second later by Tori. "Okay, okay I give up. I'll get up now," I shriek.

Satisfied, she gets off my bed and heads to the bathroom. A few minutes later I hear the water start in the shower. I roll out of bed slowly and head to my closet. I pulled on a pair of white skinny jeans and a ruffled purple tanktop. I accessorized with black feather earings and a gold starfish necklace. Tori walked out of the bathroom with one towel wrapped around her hair and one wrapped around her body.

Red Oak Academy Book One: Mount UpWhere stories live. Discover now