~Chapter Twenty Two~

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I whipped around and saw Tori with a look of disbelief on her face. I paled quickly. "Tor, I can explain."

"Explain what? This doesn't look like the barn to me." Her disbelief turned to anger as she glared at me.

I was aware of James's arms still around me and I carefully unwound myself from them until I was standing in front of him with my back to him.

"Please Tor don't be mad at me!" I begged.

She rolled her eyes, "Sure, I can't be mad that my so called best friend decided to lie to me. I thought you were different Rilee, really. But I guess your just like Regina and her 'friends'."

"I'm not anything like Regina, take it back." I said angrily. I felt James's arms wrap around my waist protectively.

"Leave her alone Tori. You're accusing her of acting like Regina when you're doing just the same," James said.

"Who invited you into this conversation," Tori snipped at him.

"Well I'm-"

"Just stop, both of you!" I cut James off. I turned to him, "As much as I appreciate you sticking up for me, I can handle this."

He nodded and I turned to Tori, "I really am sorry Tor."

She looked at me, "You know what? I don't think that I believe you," she said then turned on her heel and briskly walked away.

"Raa!" I screamed in frustration. Why did she not understand!?

James gathered me in his arms once more, "Just let her be, she's obviously not a good friend if she's not going to believe you."

I nodded, "Yeah, but she's my best friend I can't just let her walk away like that. So, see you around?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course!" He kissed me once more quickly before letting me go. We left in opposite directions.

I decided to avoid Tori who was most likely in our room so I headed to a place where I hardly ever went- the theater. I walked in and sat in one of the back seats and watched the play practice that was going on.

Soon, I felt as if I was in the play, and I was disappointed when it ended. As the actors and actresses left the stage, I walked up to the director, a young man in his mid-twenties with medium brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Hello?" I asked.

"What!?" He jumped. "Oh! You scared me. What can I help you with?"

"I'm sorry, I was wondering if there was anything you needed help with. Not anything on stage but like anything else?"

"Hmm, I'll think about it. What is your name so I can get back to you?"

"Rilee Black, sir."

I stuck out my hand and he shook it. "And I am known as Mr. Jenkins," he replied.

I said goodbye then headed out the doors. As I stepped back out into the light, I decided I would practice for a little bit. I hesitated, remembering that I would have to go back to the dorm to get my riding clothes.

I decided to go anyway and I started walking up the path toward my dorm. When I got to our room, I went in and grabbed my clothes out of my closet. The bathroom door was closed and I could hear running water so I quickly changed next to my bed.

I rushed down to the barn before Tori could get out of the bathroom. I was not ready for the awkwardness between us. I jogged down to the barn and prepped Dandy to ride, paying special attention to grooming him thoroughly.

I got him tacked up and led him to one of the smaller indoor arenas with no jumps. I decided to work on my equitation and once I warmed up, I pulled my feet out of my irons and crossed them over the front of my saddle.

I walked around to prepare myself. A lap later, I urged Dandy into a trot. Squeezing with my legs, I began to post, rising and falling with his outside leg.

A painful hour later, I dismounted and almost fell because my legs were so weak. I leaned against Dandy and relaxed. After I got my breath back, I stood up and led Dandy back to his stall. I untacked him and brushed him down really good.

I headed to the tackroom where I grabbed the apple I had hid- Mr. Jones was very strict about treats, and I took it back to Dandy's stall. He gobbled it up greedily and nudged me for more.

"Silly boy, that's all I have," I laughed. I tangled my fingers in his forelock. "Why can't everyone be like you?" I asked him. "Smart, nice, lovable. Nope, people have to be difficult and not understanding."

I slipped his halter over his nose and clipped the pink leadrope on. After opening the stall door, I lead him down the aisle, toward the southern pasture.

By the time we reached the gate, Dandy was already prancing on the end of the line. I stroked his neck. "You're getting fuzzy, we're going to have to clip you soon." I told him.

I lead him through the gate and let him go. I pulled myself up into an oak tree and watched Dandy. I heard footsteps and I pulled my feet up so whoever it was couldn't see them. Soon I heard the distinct voice of Regina and her best friend. I held my breath and listened.

"He's so cute," her friend said.

"I know, I love his hair and his eyes. And get this, he's from a rich family- perfect for me," Regina fluffed her hair hautily.

I held back an amused snort and continued to listen. "The best thing is he is Jayde's ex boyfriend, so dating him will be the perfect revenge," Regina continued.

My amusement turned into anger as I realized they were talking about James. They kept walking but I stayed up for a few minutes until I was sure they had gone then I jumped down.

I went running- I had to find James before Regina did!

Hey lovelies!!

I just want to say thank you so much for reading this and all of your support! I appreciate it all and that is what keeps me writing!! I love you all! ♥♥

This wasn't my favorite chapter but... it's a chapter.

So do you ship Rilee and James, or do you prefer Drew or Cody? Please comment your opinion!!

I'm thinking of going to 35 chapters then go to book 2. What do you think?

Love ya!
Abbi ♥♥

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