~Chapter Thirteen~

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I turned around to see Cody. "Hi Cody," I sighed.

"What's wrong," he asked, walking around the back of the bench and sitting next to me.

"Nothing," I tried to force a cheery look on my face but from his expression I could tell it didn't work.

"Don't tell me nothing. You have been crying, I can tell. I grew up with three sisters."

"Fine. The other day at practice, Regina told me Drew was a cheater and she would be surprised if he wasn't hanging out with other girls. Well, I was supposed to meet him at the SC after my lesson. When I got there he was sitting with Regina and laughing. I just don't understand, he said he liked me." I felt my eyes fill with tears again and I wiped them from my eyes.

He looked at me sadly,"Ri, you don't deserve a guy like that if he acts like that. It makes me want to just punch him."

I leaned onto him and hugged him and he hugged me back. "It's okay, thanks for everything. Hey, what about that girl you liked, how did it go?"

"Well I haven't exactly talked to her yet," he said scratching his neck.

"Well you need to, you won't know if she likes you if you never talk to her."

"Okay then, Rilee, I like you a lot. Since the first time I saw you, I haven't been the same. It hurt me when you started going out with Drew but I decided I could wait. What I want to know is, will you go out with me?"

I gasped,"Oh Cody, I wish I could but I need to sort things out with Drew. We aren't even officially broken up yet."

He sat up and hurt flashed through his eyes. "Okay," he said as he stood up and started walking away.

"Cody," I said, standing up. He turned around and I continued,"I'll try to sort everything out."

He nodded and kept walking. I sighed and sat back down. I pulled out my phone and noticed I had a new message from Drew. I opened it.

Drew: hey where r u?
Rilee: I'm surprised u noticed i wasnt there
Drew: what do u mean
Rilee: u were so busy w/ regina I left
Drew: ??
Rilee: ugh meet @ courtyard in 10
Drew: k

I stood up and tucked my phone into my pocket. I walked to the courtyard and sat on the edge of the fountain. A few minutes later, Drew walked up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "Hey babe," he said.

I pushed him away. "We need to talk," I crossed my arms.

He looked confused,"Okay?"

"Well, a few days ago at practice, Regina told me that you couldn't commit to a relationship and that she would be surprised if you weren't cheating."

He opened his mouth to speak and I put my hand up to keep him quiet. "Wait, I'm not done. I didn't believe her but I see now that I should have. When I went to the SC to meet up with you, I saw you sitting with Regina. You guys were talking and laughing."

"I can explain," he said. I motioned for him to continue. "I was there waiting for you and she came in. She saw me and came over. We started talking and she brought up you. She said she was concerned because she's seen you talking to other guys and flirting with them."

My jaw dropped, "What!?! But you know that's not true!"

He hesitated, "You do know that don't you?" I said softly.

"Sorry Ri but I've seen you with Cody. I've seen you talking with him and looking at him."

"B-b-but, I don't like him, I like you."

"I wish I could believe you Ri, I really do. You are the perfect girlfriend. You're pretty, smart, and nice. But it takes two to have a relationship and I don't really feel like you want to be in one with me."

"So you're breaking up with me?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded,"Bye Ri." He stood up and started walking away. When he was about ten feet away from me he turned around. "Oh and you probably shouldn't talk to me so somebody doesn't get the wrong idea."

I just nodded and he turned around and kept walking. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and stood up. I started running to the barn. When I reached the entrance I dashed to Dandy's stall hoping Mr Jones wouldn't catch me running in the barn.

I let myself into his stall and sat down in the clean sawdust shavings. I leaned my back against the wall, put my head into my arms, and started to cry.

Dandy walked over and ruffled my hair. I reached up and sroked his nose. "I love you buddy. You are my guy now."

He let out a low nicker then went back to his hay. I watched him contentedly.




"Ri? Ri? Are you awake?"

I felt somebody pulling on my shoulder and I groaned and rolled over. "Leave me alone," I grumbled.

Whoever it was laughed, "Rilee, it 11:30, you need to come back to the dorm."

I sat up quickly, "Tori? Where am I?"

"You're in Dandy's stall. Don't worry, Sheila doesn't know, I told her you were sleeping over with Raelynn."

"Thanks for coming to find me," I said rubbing my eyes.

"No problem. I got worried when you didn't come back to our dorm and didn't answer my texts," she replied stretching her hand down to help me up.

"I had a rough day and I came in here to chill with Dandy and I guess I fell asleep."

"Aw, I'm sorry. Hey, tell you what, since tomorrow's Sunday. We'll hang out and we can have a movie marathon, and do mani-pedis and facials, and maybe go shopping online."

"That sounds great but can I also find some time to ride? I have a show in a week and I need to practice."

"Yeah no problem, it's your day to do whatever you want so sure," she replied.

I open Dandy's door and we walk out into the aisle. We head back to our dorm and sneak quietly past Sheila. When we got into our room I changed and we went to bed. I soon fall into a deep sleep.


A bit of a fun chappie to write! Bad break-up. :(

I have been super busy and my brother broke his arm so writing has been slow so I'm sorry but I hope to get chapters up quicker.

In the media is Kit Kat. This is actually one of my best friends at the State 4h horse show. Her quarter pony mare's name is Kit Kat! :D

What is your favorite thing to do during Christmas?

I think my favorite is decorating the tree or making cookies. =)

This chapter is dedicated to Kiara560. Thanks for your votes and support!! ♡♡

Thanks so much for all the reads!! We are over 500!!!! :D :D :D I love you guysssss!!!!

Abbi ♡♡

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