~Chapter Twenty~

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I looksd at all the stall numbers, until we reached Blueberry. He was in stall 127. I turned to Tori, "You get to catch him, remember how I caught Dandy?"

She thought for a minute, "I think I do but if I need help I'll ask."

I nodded as she grabbed the halter and leadrope and pulled back the heavy wooden door to enter the stall. She approached a sleeping Blueberry and he woke up. She giggled softly as he nuzzled her. She slipped the halter over his head and clipped the leadrope on the metal ring.

I opened the door for her as she led him into the aisle. She expertly crosstied him then looked at me. "Okay, let's groom him then we can tack him up."

She nodded and grabbed the brush box. We brushed the blue pony down in silence then I went and grabbed his tack from the tack room. I brought it back and layed it on a tack trunk nearby.

I grabbed the saddle pad, "This is the saddle pad. You put it on first to protect the horse's back." I handed it to her and she tossed it up on Blueberry's back.

I held the saddle out to her, "This is the saddle. You sit on it."

Tori heaved the saddle up onto Blueberry's back amd dropped it. "That's heavy!" she exclaimed.

I laughed, "You get used to it pretty quick." I handed her the cinch and showed her how to put it on. "The cinch holds the saddle on. And, the bridle is what controls the horse. Hold it in your right hand and keep it straight with your left. Start upward with your right hand and he should open his mouth. When he does, slip the bit between his teeth and slip the top over his ears."

She did this, then I explained how to buckle it. She pulled on the black helmet I had grabbed her from the tack room and we started heading toward the small arena.

Once we reached the arena, I led Tori and her pony into the center and I showed her how to mount. "Place your left foot in the iron, hop, and pull yourself up," I said demonstrating. I climbed down and Tori gave it a try. I positioned her hands and she pulled herself into the saddle.

She straightened herself in the saddle and looked ahead of her, "Wow! This is a total different view!"

"I know, I love it!" I replied smiling. I was so glad I got to share something I loved so much with my best friend. "Okay," I said using my best instructor voice. "Hold each rein in one hand. Squeeze his sides and cluck to him."

She squeezed her legs against his sides and the quarter pony lumbered forward. She immediately grabbed the pummel of the saddle and squeaked.

I laughed, "Good job! To stop him, pull back on the reins and say 'whoa'."

She did, and Blueberry came to a stop. "This is so much fun! Good boy!" She praised Blueberry. He snorted as she scratched his neck.

"Ready to go all the way around the arena?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yep!" She urged Blueberry into a walk and he started forward. Soon they came to a wall. "Umm, Ri?"

I tried not to laugh, "Yeah?"

"What do I do?"

"Okay, to turn to the right, pull on the right rein lightly and squeeze a little bit with your left leg."

She tried and Blueberry walked in a complete circle. "Don't pull too hard," I suggested. She nodded and tried again, sticking her tongue out in concentration. This time she managed to get Blueberry turned up in the right direction and they headed down the second wall.

Soon they completed a lap around the arena and Tori turned Blueberry to the middle and walked up in front of me. "What next coach?"

I smiled, "Wanna try to trot?"

She nodded, "Yeah!"

"Okay, once you start walking, kick him again and say 'trot'. The trot is a two beat pace so every other beat, you 'stand up' or post. Then on the off beats you sit. Of you were showing you would have to move up when the outside leg is stretched forward but since you are just learning, either diagonal is fine."

She nodded, "Okay, I think I got all of that." She walked back to the rail then urged Blueberry into a trot. For a little while she bounced around but then after a few strides she started posting half-decently. She trotted for a few laps then joined me in the middle.

"Wow! That was amazing! You are a natural!" I praised her.

"That was so much fun! I can't believe I have been missing our on this!" She said, bouncing in the saddle.

I smiled. "Did you never want a pony as a little girl?" I questioned.

She nodded, "I did but my family couldn't afford it. We lived paycheck to paycheck. My dad died in a car crash a year after I was born and my mom started working as a waitress. My older brother had to take care of me and my older sister. He dropped out of high school and started working in a grocery school. He got framed for stealing something by one of his so called 'friends' and was charged for theft." She paused.

"Aww, I'm sorry Tor," I said.

She continued, "We had to start paying for that and my mom picked up a second job. She started working as a bartender at night. She came home at late and she was tired. She slept for four hours and she would have to go to the restaurant. She got mad because she was so tired. Then she came home one night all happy. She had met a guy at the bar and he had asked her for her number. A few weeks later she brought him home and he seemed nice- at first. My mom went into the kitchen to get coffee and he threatened my sister and I if we didn't pretend to like him he would beat us. He said he loved my mom and wouldn't let anything get in his way of her."

"Where was your brother?" I asked.

"He was mad because he and my dad were really close before my dad died. He didn't want Mom to marry someone else. He was out with some of his friends and his girlfriend. If he would have been home he would've started a fight. So, my sister and I were scared so we kept quiet. My mom kept seeing him and we didn't say anything to our mom because she was the happiest she had been since before... Well the only good thing that he ever did for me was show me the application for ROA. By this time my brother had moved in with his girlfriend and my sister went to a boarding school that he had paid for. Basically, he was trying to get rid of us."

We started walking to cool Blueberry off.

She continued, "When I got here, I loved it and I realized I could become someone comepletely different. I made new friends and told no one about my past life. In fact, to this day, you and my good friend from art class are the only ones who know, and I would prefer to keep it that way. Please." She begged me.

"Of course! I won't tell anyone, cross my heart and hope to die." I replied.

She dismounted, "Thanks, I can't believe I just told you all that," she hugged me.

"No problem, thanks for telling me. Now! Forget about that, how about we head to the SC to get you something for your great riding! I'll pay!"

"Okay!" She replied, smiling again. We walked side by side to put Blueberry away.

Hey guys!!

This was a surprising chapter! I was surprised with Tori's background, were you?

In the media will be Blueberry. He is so cute!! ♡

This chapter is dedicated to Ephelan000 and livelovegreen. Thank you both for all your support!! :D

What is your favorite holiday?

I'd have to say my favorite would be Easter. It is special to me, I love dying eggs, and it means spring is coming!

Hope to get another chapter up soon! Bye!

-Abbi ♥♥

Red Oak Academy Book One: Mount UpWhere stories live. Discover now