~Chapter Seventeen~

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I took a deep breath then urged Dandy into a canter. I circled once before pointing him at the first jump, a blue and yellow vertical at about 3'6". We popped over it easily and I focused on the second jump. We cleared it as well and before you knew it we were approaching the tricky triple combo.

I checked Dandy once to slow him down and we jumped the first jump, Dandy snapping up his knees to clear the 4' jump. One stride and we jumped again. Dandy landed and stumbled. He pushed himself up as hard as he could but it wasn't enough.

My gut wretched as I heard his hoof connect with the rail. I glanced over my shoulder to see the rail settle down into the sand. We cleared the last five jumps and I circled Dandy once more before slowing him to a walk and heading toward the exit.

"And that was Rilee Black riding Platinum Playboy from Red Oak Academy with four faults and a time of 86.3 seconds," the announcer said.

I silently cheered in my head and patted Dandy on the neck. "Before we call everyone back into the ring to receive their ribbons, we have a situation that calls for further competition. Tied with four faults and a time of 86.3 seconds is number 210, Rilee Black, and number 214, Jayde Pierce. We will be having a jump off in a few minutes after the jumps are each raised up six inches each."

That would mean the combo would be 4'6". That's the highest I've ever jumped!

"First up will be Jayde Pierce. The time will start when the bell rings."

Jayde rode into the ring and the bell rang. She urged her horse into a slow gallop and they headed toward the first jump, now raised to four feet. They cleared it and headed on.

I watched, my jaw dropped as Jayde expertly maneuvered the course, cutting corners and maintaining her near-dangerous speed. The only time she slowed down was when she approached the triple combo.

They cleared the first jump and Jayde pushed her gelding faster on the landing so he could get over the second part of the combo. He threw himself over it and a stride later jumped the final part of the combo.

Jayde sped up into a medium gallop as they headed toward the last jump. They approached the jump and Jayde half halted but her horse continued at the same pace.

Jayde desperately threw herself into a two point as her horse threw himself  over the jump. The crowd gasped as the rail hit the ground and nestled into the sand. Jayde frowned and spurred her horse out of the ring.

"And that was number 214, Jayde Pierce, riding In It To Win It from Mirror Lake Preparatory with four faults and a time of 69.9 seconds. Next up will be number 210, Rilee Black."

I took a deep breath and urged Dandy into a fast canter. We zoomed around the course as I tried to cut corners and go as fast as I safely could and soon the triple combo came up.

The crowd gasped and held their breathes as we plunged toward the combo, not slowing. Dandy lept, took a short half-stride and heaved himself into the air again. We landed and he lept once more over the final jump in the combo. I silently cheered in my head then focused on the next jump.

Before I knew it we crossed the final iump and the timers stopped. I circled Dandy once and patted his sweaty neck before glancing up at the scoreboard. Next to my name was the time 67.8 seconds, and 0 faults.

"Yes! Good boy Dandy!" I hugged Dandy's neck as we walked out of the arena. Five minutes later we jogged in again, this time with me on the ground for the trot out for the uudges to see the horses were not lame.

We lined up and I took the blue first pkace ribbon, smiling. I looked over to Jayde. "Better luck next time darling," I smirked.

"You better watch your back," she snarled back. She grabbed the red second place ribbon and yanked her horse out of the arena. I led Dandy back to our stalls where I learned that Liz had placed first in her 3' Hunters and Raelynn placed third in Level 3 Dressage. When Regina came back holding a blue first place ribbon I smiled at her,"Good job."

She rolled her eyes and kept walking past me. Mr. Jones came in and stood on a bucket in the aisle. "Raelynn, Rilee, and Regina you need to get ready for cross-country. It starts in one hour. Be at the course and ready."

We nodded and I grabbed Dandy's halter and leadrope. I decided to walk down past where the trucks were parked and let Dandy graze for 45 minutes before we had to go to the cross-country course.

"Where are you going," Regina sneered.

"It's none of your business but down past the trailers to give Dandy a break."

"Whatev, but you better be back in time for cross-country because I'm not  losing to Jayde Pierce because you can't keep time. Every one of us from ROA better beat that sorry little liar."

"Okay," I said with my hands in the surrender motion. "I'll be back." I walked out of the barn and past the many trucks and trailers and to a little grassy knoll. I let Dandy walk out to the end of his line and I squatted next to the large maple tree because the ground was too cold in the 50 degree fall air.

I watched as Dandy ripped little stalks of green brown grass and chewed them with his big jaws. I took off my heavy jacket and put it on the ground and pulled my lighter jacket closer to me as I sat on the ground. My eyes closed and I sighed, glad to be away from the chaos and relaxing.




"Rilee Black, I will kill you!" I sat up quickly hearing this.

Standing in front of me was Regina. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was glaring down at me, a panting Clue behind her. Ught oh.

"Did I miss cross-country?"

"No! But you're almost up and the girl before you is on deck!"

"I'm coming but I don't have my stuff!"

She glared at me,"What are you- a nitwit? If you were going to come down here, you should've at least brought your stuff!" She started pulling off her cross-country vest.

"What are you doing?"

"Um isn't it obvi? You need your stuff and I'm done with cross-country so you can borrow my stuff. Now hurry up and put this on while I transfer my stuff onto Dandy," she said before tossing me her helmet and vest.  I strapped both on and looked at Dandy. He was decked out in her expensive tack. Regina was bent over strapping her galloping boots onto Dandy's legs.

I pulled Dandy's halter off and told to stay then I switched Clue's bridle with Dandy's halter then put the bridle onto Dandy. Regina stood up and brushed her hands together. "We're about the same height so my stirrups should be the right height. At least you have your number. I'll give you a leg up and you better hustle your butt over there before it's your turn!"

Shd clasped her hands together and I put mh boot in them. She heaved me into the saddle and I slid my feet into the stirrups. "Hey Regina."

She looked up,"What do you want?" she scowled.


Her face softened,"No problem now hurry up and go kick Jayde's butt."

I nodded then turned Dandy toward the course. We took off at a gallop, my butt sitting nicely in Regina's saddle.

Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't had time to write! I'm almost losing my head over midterms plus I have basketball every night.


In the media is In It To Win It, Jayde's horse.

This chapter is dedicated to equestrianismer. Thanks for all your advice and votes!!

I've missed you guys and I promise I will try to update more!!



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