~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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I hopped out of the shower, dried off, and threw some clothes on. I met Rachel and Matt in my living room and we started planning revenge.

"So what if we, I don't know, dyed all her breeches." Rachel suggested.

I shook my head. "She would just buy more, plus she keeps them at home so we wouldn't be able to get to them."

She nodder, "Yeah, I didn't think about that."

Matt spoke, "What if we switched her horse's stall with another horse."

"Um, probably not. She could switch them back easily plus she would tell your aunt and feg us in trouble."

We thought for a few minutes. "I know!' I suddenly exclaimed. "You know how she hates onions and sausage?" They nodded. "Well, what if we ordered a pizza from Twisted Toppings with extra onions and sausage. Oh and archovies. We can deliver it to her house with a note."

“I like it!” Rachel and Matt exclaimed.

“Let's do it right now,” Matt suggested.

I nodded in agreement. “Kay.” I pulled out my phone and dialed the number for Twisted Toppings.

“Hello, can I have a large pizza with extra sausage, peppers, and anchovies?” The barista took my order and told me the cost. “Thank you!” I hung up. “It will be about thirty minutes,” I told Rachel and Matt.

“I have another idea,” Rachel said.

“Kay, what's your idea?” I asked her. “What if we wrote a note and personally delivered the pizza?”

“But do we want to be there when she gets the pizza? I think that would make it worse for Rilee,” Matt said.

“So let's play ding dong ditch!” I exclaim.

“What?” I was met by confused looks.

“Seriously, you guys have never heard of that?”

They both shook their heads no. “Wow. Well, it is when you ring someone's doorbell then run away before they answer the door.”

“Oh I get it. We put the pizza on her doorstep with the note. Then one of us rings the doorbell and we all run?” Matt asks.

“Exactly. But I think, instead of running away we should hide in the bushes beside the house. Then we could watch her facial expression!” I said.

“Yeah!” Matt and Rachel were excited by the idea.

I checked the time on my phone. “Okay, let's go.” Matt grabbed his car keys and I peeked my head into the kitchen where my mom was baking Christmas cookies. “Mom, I'm going out with Matt and Rachel, be back in a few hours!”

“Okay, be safe honey!” She blew me a kiss. I returned it then grabbed my jacket off the hook right inside the front door. “Okay, I'm ready,” I told Rachel and Matt.

We hopped into Matt’s Chevy Silverado with me riding shotgun. “Okay so we need to write a note,” I said.

Rachel pulled a pen and piece of paper out of her bag and handed them to me.

Five minutes later we pulled into the parking lot and Matt pulled into a spot close to the building. He and I hopped out and Rachel voted to wait inside the warm truck.

We stepped into the warm interior and made our way to the front.

“Hello, how can I help you?” The male barista smiled at me.

“I'm here to pick up a pizza.”

“What's the name?”

“Rilee Black,” I answered. He went to the warming chambers and came back with a pizza box.

“That will be thirteen forty nine.” I handed him a twenty dollar bill and he counted out my change.

“Here you go.” He handed me the box and I smiled, “Thank you!” With that Matt and I headed back out to his truck.

Rachel was gone but there was a pink sticky note on the steering wheel with writing on it.

Tommy came by to get a pizza and saw me. I am going to go with him. Good luck with Operation Payback. I'll text you later. Have fun!

I smiled at her note then tucked it in my bag. “Ready?” I asked Matt.

“Can't wait.” He smiled at me.

We headed toward the rich end of town where (what's her name) lived. The five minute drive was silent.

When we got close, Matt parked his truck a block away so she didn't see it. We walked side by side to her house where I crouched down in the bushes nearby. Matt took the pizza box up to the front door and placed it on the doorstep. He rang the doorbell then leaped into the bushes beside me.

Shay came to the door wearing a pink crop top leaving not much to the imagination and too short jean shorts. She held a Pepsi in her hand as she looked around to see who rang the doorbell.

When she didn't see anyone, she turned to go bavk inside but she saw the pizza box. She grabbed it and the note laying on top.

Her face twisted as she read the note.

You are so perfect and beautiful. Your eyes are so bright thanks to the colored contacts you wear. You dyed hair is shiny and you are so perfectly fake tanned. You have many ‘admirers’. You are so goals! Goals for being the number one witch with a capital “B’ of course!! Hope you enjoy this delish pizza! Much love, Rilee ♥♥

I smiled as her face turned to purple rage. She crumpled the Pepsi can in her hand and threw it to the ground. No one and I mean no one had ever stood up to Shay before and she didn't like it.

“You just wait Rilee! You'll regret that. Mark my words, You. Will. Regret. That!” She went back inside and slammed the door behind her, leaving the pizza on the step.

Matt and I shared a high five as we doubled over laughing. “That. Was. Great!” I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard.

“I know! Her face! She was so mad!” Matt laughed too. Then his face turned serious. “Just be careful Ri, you don't know what she could do.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm a big girl, I can handle her.”

“You don't understand, when someone makes her angry, she can and will make their life miserable. I don't want to see you get hurt.”

“And I won't,” I replied a little testilly. “Don't worry about me!”

“I'm just saying-”

“Well don't say!” I cut him off. “Just leave me alone!” I climbed to my feet and started walking to my house. Matt didn't make a move to follow me.

A few minutes later I heard a vehicle pull up behind me and stop. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. "I said to leave me alone Matt."

"Why?" A feminine voice that was definitely not Matt's asked.

"Rachel!" I said, relieved. "How about we head to my house and I'll explain."

She nodded in agreement. "I just left Tommy's and decided to do a drive by of Shay's and I find you walking down the street alone. Come on."

I hopped in the passenger's seat and we headed to my house.

Hey!! Long time no see, I know!

So... our house was struck by lightning last week and I didn't have wifi all week but here you go.  It isn't anything special but... it's an update!

I might not hsve wifi for a while again because my dad isn't happy with it so we might get something else but idk.

Hopefully another update soon!

Thanks keshaluver for the prank idea!!

Check out my new book Cowboy Casanova!  I would appreciate it a lot! ♡


Red Oak Academy Book One: Mount UpWhere stories live. Discover now