|Chapter 10| Meeting a Fellow Lord

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APHMAUS MOVING! WHAT??!! IS HE GETTING AN OFFICE???!!! AND SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT SHIPPING! All I heard was, "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHSHIPPINGBLAHBLAH." (Sorry aphmau :C) BUT! Shes FINALLY taking a vacation! A well deserved one! :D I've been screaming in my head at her to take a vaca every time she said it was stressing to make videos! NO DUR! TAKE A VACA GURL! (Sorry again Aph...)

Aphmau's POV

I woke up before Garroth that morning, so I went downstairs to get us free breakfast. There were waffles and pancakes and bagels and apple juice and... Ok, the point is, there was a lot of choices. I ended up getting myself a waffle and Garroth a doughnut because I loved him that much. (I just went there!) When I got our plates, I went back up to our room and found Garroth STILL asleep.
"Hey, wake up my sleeping prince." I said in his ear after I set the food down.
"Hmm... Ten more minutes mum..." He mumbled and rolled over. I pulled the sheets off of him and yelled, "WAKE UP!!!"
"AAGH!" He fell of the bed and lay on the ground, shocked.
"What was that for?!" He shrieked pulling me onto the ground with him.
"I-I g-got you a-a-a d-doughnut!" I said rolling on the ground laughing. He then quickly got up and left me to die of laughter... I kept laughing and rolling as he ate his doughnut. When he was FINALLY done, he came over to where i was squirming helplessly and helped me up. Garroth handed me my plate and I devoured my waffle.

"Ok, little miss piggy! Where do we go from here?" Garroth asked when I had finished my breakfast.

"I'm here to meet the lord!" I respond.

"Ah... Cadenza's father, Hayden..." (took me SO long to find the name of him >.<)

"Cadenza's father is the lord?"

"Yes, Hayden and Kenmur both wanted to be Lord but Hayden is the lord now!"

"Oh... Ok!" We walked out of the Inn and found Cadenza and Laurence talking outside the armory.

"Cadenza! I'm ready to meet your father!" I say with a big grin on my face.

"YOU'RE GOING TO MEET HIM! Ok... ok... calm down Cadenza... Aphmau... If you don't make a good impression then... he will make me move back here." She warned.

"He can't make you do that!!!! Can he?"

"He can Aph... he's my father and my former lord."

"Ok! I'm ready!" We walk inside Hayden's house behind Cadenza. "Does my hair look ok?" I whispered to Garroth. "Yup!" He whispered back.

"Cadenza? Is this your new lord?" A deep voice asked.

"Yes father... This is Lord Aphmau of Phoenix Drop." As Cadenza introduced me, I stepped into view of Hayden.

"Young, beautiful, has a guard, nice clothes...," He trailed off. "Cadenza, you may stay in the village if you answer this question, is the village heavily protected with guards?" He asked with authority in his voice.

"Father, three of the guards, including these two here," She indicates to Garroth and Laurence. "are on the list of the Jury of 9."

"You may stay!" Hayden decided.

Sorry guys! Not much today! Got home late, had lots of homework, and my minds blank right now... MY MINDS NEVER BLANK! I'm so happy that Aph's going on a vaca and she almost has 1M subs!

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