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Who's coming to save the day? Celeste! Celeste! Heehee Aaron and Celeste to save the day! YAY!

Cadenza's POV

Wow! I can't believe he ACTUALLY said yes!

"T-thank you father!" I say running up to him and giving him a big hug like when I was a kid. He squeezed me tight then let go.

"Now, you guys better go back and take care of your village!" He said with a big smile, waving as we walked out the door.

Garroth's Pov

I'm so happy! I could just... KISS SOMEBODY! I reached over to Aph and pulled her towards me and gave her a quick passionate kiss.

"Ahem..." Laurence said with an annoyed look on his face.

"O-oh... Sorry, Laurence..." I apologized.

Laurence's POV

Did he really just do that?! Ugh! I just need a way to steal her from him... If Aphmau was no one's girl then maybe I wouldn't mind... (Hey! GONNA LOVE MYSELF NO I DON'T NEED ANYBODY ELSE! Oh... Sorry, Laurence... I love this song... I LOVE ME! CANT HELP MYSELF DON'T NEED ANYBODY ELSE AHLALALALALALAAAA! ANYTIME THAT I LIKE!*Video Above*)

Aphmau's POV

"Garroth! You know Laurence loves me too!" I whisper angrily into his ear.

"I'm sorry Aph, I was just so happy I had to!"

"I understand... I'll kiss you when we have some privacy." Garroth looked very happy at the thought of this. The group of four walked out of Meteli with grins from ear to ear. Laurence was the only one not smiling, he looked deep in thought. They walked on and on, stopping after an hour to eat extra food that Garroth and Aphmau hadn't eaten. They resumed walking and found a baby in the middle of the path to Phoenix Drop.

"Garroth! It looks like you!" Cadenza squealed.

"'Levin'... There's a name tag here." Laurence announced.

"...May I?..." I asked looking down at 'mini Garroth'. Cadenza handed me the baby and I cradled him in my arms. Levin smiled up at me with a no-tooth smile. I took notice of his icy blue eyes (AND ITS BLUE!!!!!!!!! AND ITS BLUE!!!!!!!!! lol Colors by Halsey) and his messy blonde hair. He does look like Garroth... I started blushing as Garroth leaned over my shoulder. Its like Garroth's his father. We kept walking but, everyone  circled around me and Levin like a protection ring. After another hour of walking, we made it back to Phoenix Drop. The sun was setting as we heard the familiar voice of a specific blue haired guard.

"Who goes there? Oh! Aphmau you're back!" He flicks the lever to lets us on the other side of the new walls.

"Welcome ba- IS THAT A BABY?! GARROTH, LAURENCE?" Dante screamed at the two now shaking guards. Those two are afraid of Dante? Who knew!

"W-we didn't do anything!" Laurence said.

"W-what h-he s-said!" Garroth stuttered. Cadenza and I started giggling as Dante gave them an uncertain look.

"Dante, we found him in the middle of the path when we were heading back!" I say taking a break from laughing.

"Oh... Sorry guys!" Dante said starting to laugh himself. We walked inside of the walls, and Dante closed the gate behind us. We went our separate ways to home. Garroth came with me to help set up a room for Levin.

*time skip to baby room finished*

"Phew! All done!" I say wiping my brow. Garroth went to get Levin and placed him in his new blue crib. I bent down and kissed his forehead then Garroth did the same.

"I love you Lord Aphmau." Garroth said as we walked acrossed the hall to my room.

"I love you more!"

"Oh, yah?" He said with a grin. "COME HERE!" He kissed me on my lips and only broke apart when we needed to breath. After we took another breath, he kissed me again. We fell asleep in my bed after we were done making out. Garroth kept me warm all night.

Hey guys! Didn't want to get into that kissing stuff because I actually don't know a lot about that >.< For my singing... After the interrupting Laurence thing, I decide to make a book where the MCD characters were singing like on The Voice! The first one is Zane singing, Love Myself. (OH YAH I DID THAT!) I'm thinking of doing it with rounds and have you guys vote when that book gets popular! Alright off to make Zane seem lonely!

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