|Chapter 21| Party 'Til You Drop

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And the return because that other one was shocking... I'm heartbroken... Poor Zane didn't get invited! D,:  Time to see where my fingers take us!

Garroth's POV

Everyone just stood there staring at Zane who was wrapped tight around my body. After I realized he wasn't joking and it seemed like he was going to cry at any moment, I wrapped my arms around his head since I was taller then him and he was leaning on me.

"Brother... I... I need to explain why I was being such a frickin evil jerk..." Zane's voice was muffled.

"We can do that tomorrow or tonight after the party. If you tell me after the wedding, you can tell your new sister-in-law." I smiled and Zane finally let go of me, his face red from pressing against me.

"Oh yah... The parties are ready..." My black haired brother pushed the hair out of his face for the first time since I hit him in the eye with a snowball. He ran off saying, "Race you!" I made eye contact with Laurence, he had an eyebrow raised. We both knew that I wasn't only stronger then Zane, I was faster too. Unless he actually ran between villages instead of his guards carrying him. I motioned for everyone to race with him and we took off out the door. I was still behind Zane since we gave him a ten second head start. Laurence was right behind me but I picked up speed and caught up to Zane. We finally reached the plaza and I could see that the girls were all ready partying in the barn.

"Let's get this party STARTED!" Screamed Laurence as Zane ran to the stereo to be the Dj. Watch Me Whip started playing and Dante grabbed Laurence and I's wrist and dragged us onto the dance floor to make us his back up dancers. That song ended and Fantastic Baby came up next. Dale ran up to Zane and forced him to dance to that song.

"But I can't dance!" Zane whined as he turned the opposite direction of Dale.

"Oh come on! Everyone loves this song!" Dale said started to get annoyed. I walked over and picked him up. I carried Zane to the flashing floor and set him down. We had to hold him there but after the song started, he danced like there was no tomorrow.

Third Person

Garroth, Laurence, and Dante were all in front with Zane and Dale in the back. Logan, and everyone else, was in the middle. They danced to every song that came on. Every once and a while, Zane would become the Dj again and they would dance and dance. Dale was hitting on Dante after drinking seven bottles of root beer.

"Hey, did it hurt?"

"I'm a boy..."

"Yeah, sure you are you little blue haired tomboy." Dale winked at Dante.

"UGH! ZANE! WHY did you bring root beer?"

"Shhh... Come on girl! Let's go to my house." He put a finger on Dante's lips.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" Dante pulled out his katanas and pointed one at Dale. "I'M. A. MAN!"

"Oooh! Feisty! I like what I see..."

"Dale, you're married." Laurence grabbed Dale, but Dale was fighting back.

"GET OF YOU LADY STEALING JERK!" He shouted back still struggling against Laurence's strong grasp on his shoulders. Laurence rolled his eyes and watched Dante fall to the floor, sighing.

"Get back up Dante! We're gonna start a dance battle! First round, you and me." Said the soon-to-be-married guard.

"Ugh! Fiiine!" Dante replied slowly getting to his feet. As soon as the next song came on, Dante ran to the floor and started dancing like a pro. Of course, Garroth was dancing like a professional expert.

"I bet fifty bucks on Garroth!" Roared Laurence.

"I bet twenty on my pretty little lady!" Shouted a still drunk Dale.

"Wow, thanks a lot Dale." Dante huffed sarcastically while pausing on his 'whip'. Two minutes later, the song ended and Zane walked over to the two tired males. He lifted up Dante's arm and about half the party clapped with Dale yelling and whistling in the back. Zane let go of Dante's arm and lifted up Garroth's left arm. The whole crowd clapped.

"Looks like we have a winner." Zane smiled and held up his brother's arm for a bit longer letting him enjoy it.

*Meanwhile at the girls' party*

Third Person

"Go Zoey, go Zoey, it's your birthday, it's your birthday!" The group of girls screamed as Zoey dropped to the ground doing the worm. Just then, loud cheering and claps could be heard in the plaza. The group of females glanced out the barn doors and then continued with their partying.

"What do you think that was?" Aphmau asked Zoey while she held out a hand to help her up.

"Probably the guys just showing of their moves." Zoey replied. Aphmau gave out a puff of amusement. 

"It's almost midnight! You have to rest up for tomorrow!" Cadenza started pacing with her finger on her chin.

"We'll go 'til midnight and then wash up so we can sleep here. I'll let Garroth take the guys to our house this one time." The black haired girl decided. Zoey and Cadenza thought for a moment before Zoey shrugged and replied "Ok."

The three girls continued dancing throughout the night until it was finally midnight. Kiki showed the party the showers and where they could sleep. 

"Aphmau gets the longest shower." Kiki smiled at Aphmau before going to talk with Emmalyn. Aphmau accepted a towel that was being handed to her and got her kigurumi that she brought. The bathroom was all cleaned up with the sink and shower shining. She pulled the handle of the shower towards her to make it warm but not too warm so everyone could have a warm shower. Her beautiful purple and white dress came off first. She then finished getting undressed and walked into the shower, enjoying the warm water rolling down her back.

"Goodnight everyone!" Kiki said before stretching during her yawn. The girls closed their eyes and fell asleep, dreaming of the next day.

What do you think? Sorry I can't do 1,000 words every part but it took me a month to get this out XD I do apologize for my inactivity but I'm still having trouble since it's not the begging of the school year and we get a pound of homework everyday. Go check out me singing in The Voice Minecraft Diaries Style! I haven't sung yet but I'm waiting for people to tell me what to sing... e.e

No, I'm not dead.

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