|Chapter 7| The Sleeping Angel

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WHOA! I was reading Funny Text Bloopers and I went on the computer to type my next chapter faster and I was at 111 after like 30 minutes! I just posted that I was at 98 too! Guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This means so much to me!

Aphmau's POV
"I... I don't know what to say Garroth! That truly was amazing but..."

"But what?" He gave me a big goofy grin and waited for a response.

"We just met..." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

"So? We can get to know each other better like this! Would you at least give it a chance Aph...?" He started to look down in his lap where the empty container that had once been filled with cupcakes sat. I leaned in and kissed him again. It was even more passionate then the last. Our lips stayed locked together until we saw the credits gliding up the screen.

"Aww, we missed the rest of the movie!" Garroth fake pouted.

"You're the one who kissed me!" I say punching him gently on the shoulder. Suddenly, he picked me up and ran upstairs with my feet dangling in front of us.

"Hey! Where are we going!" I shouted as he carried me out the door of my new house, down the freshly built stairs, and towards the beach.

Garroth's POV
I picked Apmau up and carried her to the beach running the whole way. When I finally stopped, I plopped her down on the, now cold, sand.

"Garroth... It's beautiful..." She said softly in awe. She was staring up at the stars above us.

"Not as beautiful as you..." I whisper in her ear as I lowered myself next to her. Eventually, she fell asleep, her head on my chest as we lay back on the sand. I picked her up again and carry her home. I lower her gently onto her purple bedspread and watched her for a second. (No he's NOT a creep!) She slept like an angel... I headed home and fell asleep on my own bed.

*time skip to morning*

I woke up to a beautiful women leaning over me.

"Well hello, beautiful." I say with a smirk. She smiles down at me and sits on my bed. I sit up and look at her. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going on a trip by myself tomorrow." She said looking sadly at me.

"OH NO YOU'RE NOT! I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!"

"What about the village! They need you!"

"I'm going to leave Laurence in charge with Dante second in command, duh!" I said with another goofy grin.

"All right smart one!" She says bowing down to me.

"Obey me! For I am the smartest in the galaxy!" Raising my hands in the air, I acted as if I was the king.

"Lets go to Kawaii~chan's for breakfast cake!" Aph suggested. We walked out of the guard station. When we approached Kawaii~chan's house, the door swung open and Kawaii~chan herself practically flew out the door! "Garmau..." I think she mumbled and she ran back inside slamming the door. When she came out side again, she was carrying a picnic basket and behind her, Kiki was carrying a blanket. As the two girls walked out of the house Lucinda was behind them. Oh great! Are they shipping us?

"EEEH! Kawaii~chan KNEW you two would come! She KNEW IT! In your FACE girls! Come on Aphmau~senpai and Garroth~kun! Follow us!"

Hmm... What will happen next? Oh wait! I know! IN YOUR FACE VIEWERS! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAJAKgsoyrerkuirfiueayyf8ieAOW .3. Sorry for the late post! I was watching the world cup! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! GARMAU! LAURLYN! DIE APHRON! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT IM TYPIN' ANYMOR e.e HELP MEH! BYEEEEEE!

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