|Chapter 20| Decorating with Zane

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Zane's POV
I was just finishing putting up the shiny violet ribbons for the woman's party. The newly engaged couple wanted their wedding to be tomorrow at five-o'clock. Aphmau and Garroth had left Kawaii~chan's house two days ago, leaving Kawaii~chan, Cadenza, and I to plan everything. Eventually Cadenza went to get Zoey so we could figure out the decorations. She was shocked when she walked through the door, probably because everyone in Phoenix Drop thinks of me as the "evil High Priest, Zane of O'khasis". After we explained why I was there, the fairy elf seemed to calm down a little but she didn't let her guard down, she was tense that whole hour we were planning.

"Zane~san, can you come help Kawaii~chan bring in the cakes?" The black eared Meif'wa asked as she was struggling to carry three cakes through the door. I thought that having the girls' party in Kiki's barn would be the best spot for them.

"Sure thing Kawaii~chan." I took what looked like a strawberry cake from the top of her tower of cakes and held open the barn door with my free hand. Zoey was unfolding foldable tables and quickly unfolded the one she was working on so we could put the cakes down. I set my strawberry cake down and Kawaii~chan was putting a vanilla cake, and a chocolate cake, down next to it.

"Are we ready?" Said a joyful Zoey.

"As soon as you finish that table." Cadenza was leaning on the barn door, she had been giving everyone clothes for the party and double checking that the groom's party was finished. Zoey rolled her eyes and unfolded the plastic gray table.

"Great! I'll go get the guys and make sure they don't mess around by sneaking into the girls' party."

"Alright, Cadenza, Kawaii~chan, and I will change and then get the girls." Zoey replied as the other two females walked out the door. I held the door open as she walked out and shut it behind me. 

"Ok Zane, time to prove yourself to your brother. You aren't evil, you were under control by your father..." I said in a whisper as I was walking towards the guard tower where Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and the rest of the men were residing for the past few hours. I saw a blue haired head poke out the window and swiftly disappear. Is Dante telling them that the party's ready? Oh! This is a nice tower.They must have some talented people... I was looking around the bottom floor and was heading towards the ladder that led up to my brother and his friends when he dropped down in front of me. I stumbled backwards, tripping and falling with my hands stretched out behind me. I knew I should have gotten slip-on shoes...

"A-are you o-ok, Zane?" My stuttering brother asked with his hand held out offering to help me. I stared at his outstretched hand for a good few seconds. No one had ever offered to help me before... I grabbed his hand and got up with his help. To Garroth's surprise, I hugged him as soon as I had regained my balance. His eyes widened and so had everyone else's. They were all trickling down to the bottom floor and almost jumping back up the tower like a cat with a cucumber behind its back.


CLIFFHANGER!!!! Zane chapter! Zane's father controlled him? Zane was a mean bully as a kid that no one helped? ZANE HUGGED SOMEONE? NO, ZANE HUGGED HIS BROTHER?! 

Ok, that's enough outta you cliffhanger writer person thing. *Drags it away and comes back* 1.7 something views! Luv ya! Buh bye! WAIT! Sorry for not writing all week! AND for the short chapter! VERY busy! And I had to clean my room... :C

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