Chapter 5

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Dear Diary,

I have the best boyfriend in the world . . .

"I heard your were sick," Alex says as he walks through the front door to my house. "I brought over soup, ice cream, and Disney movies."

I smile up at him. "Thank you, Alex but you should really head on home. It's already seven at night."

Alex shakes his head. "Nope. You're my girlfriend, and I'm going to stick by you as long as you need me."

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and sits down next to me on the couch. One arm is wrapped around my waist as the other is fiddling with the TV remote.

"Which one?" Alex asks. He had brought over at least ten Disney movies with him; he definitely knows what a girl likes.

"Um . . . Aladdin," I finally decide.

Alex jumps up from his seat. "Yes! This is my favorite one," he exclaims.

I laugh at how excited he is and smile up at him.

This guy is all mine.

And I couldn't be any happier.


The next day started off with me rushing to the bathroom and getting sick. After, I took a cold shower and dressed myself. My makeup was done and all I had to do was brush my teeth.

What stopped me? More blood. It was dripping from my nose yet again. I quickly brushed my teeth and then went back out to the living room. Alex was still sleeping on the couch; he looks so cute.

I decided to let him sleep in and went upstairs to check on my mom. My dad was at work so I couldn't bother him even if I wanted to.

"Good morning, honey." My mom gives me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Not too good. I got sick this morning and took a shower. When I was getting ready, I got a nosebleed again."

Her faces turns another color, and I see how stressed out she is. "I'm so sorry," she tells me. "The results should be here within a couple days. The doctor said they wouldn't rush the test but that it could get pushed."

"Is that good?" I ask.

She nods. "We'd have it sooner."

I smile since we are finally hearing some good news.

"Is Alex up yet?" she asks me.

I shake my head no, and an evil smile makes its way onto her face. My mom is very sneaky; you never want to cross paths with her.

She heads down the stairs, and grabs a pan and a wooden spoon from the kitchen. Silently tiptoeing over to Alex, she places the pan right by his ear and bangs it with the spoon numerous times.

Alex sits up after the first one and falls off the couch. I laugh as he thinks it's me, but then sees my mom grinning.

"Kate," he scolds. "I'm so ashamed of you."

"You want chocolate chip pancakes?" my mom tests him.

Alex smiles. "Who cares anyway? I want food!"


Alex had left after breakfast. I insisted that he went home and tried to get a decent sleep, although he argued saying that he wanted to spend his day with me.

After he finally left, I went up to my room and finished some of my homework. I had two essays, three tests, and one project to work on. When the essays and the project were finally finished, I studied for my tests.

I got really tired and my head started spinning again. I slumped against my bed and tried lying down for awhile.

"Soph," my mom says walking in. "Are you okay?"

I sigh and place a hand to my forehead. "Yeah. I'm just tired."

She smiles at me and plays with my hair. "Doctor Reynolds called." I sit up in my bed excited, only for me to fall back down due to the horrid pain. "The test results are back."

"Did he say anything?"

My mom shakes her head no. "He said we have to come down at three, so I figure we leave now and can get some ice cream after. Sound good?"


I couldn't wait to get this doctor's appointment over with.

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