Chapter 8 ~ Talking about the Tour

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*** Lexi's POV ***

I've been in America for 1 week now, the boys have had interviews and promotions for their 2014 tour so i've been chilling with Cody, i also met up with Ariana and went shopping. Simon has arranged a meeting for me, one direction. We are meeting at this restaurant. I'm wearing a sleeveless striped skater dress and a thin brown belt, 6inch white glory platform pumps and my white shoulder bag. My hair is up in a tight messy bun with my USA flag bandanna and i put my anchor phone case on my iphone. I chose my RayBan aviators, my eyes were natural and i had light pink lips. I put my silver anchor necklace on and of course i haven't took off my infinity ring that Cody gave me. I picked up my bag and went to Niall's room.

"Lexi!" Niall said cheerfully giving me a hug

"Hey Nialler!" I replied happily.

"I haven't seen you for like a week!" He exclaimed.

"I know right! I missed ya!" I cooed.

"Anyway, you and Cody are all over the headlines, whats going on 'aye?" Niall asked suspiciously.

"Oh we're um dating for real now." I replied casually and Niall raised an eyebrow.


Niall answered the door and the rest of the boys were stood there, they seen me and tackled me with hugs.

"Er boys, can't breath." I muttered making them pull away.

"We missed you!" Louis said happily and i nodded.

"Rights, lets go to the meeting!" Liam cheered as we all followed him out of the door.

The taxi ride there consisted of the boys throwing questions at me about Cody, jeez, give a girl a break. We walked into the restaurant and seen Simon sitting at the back in a booth. We greeted him and sat down. Louis sat next to Simon, then Harry and then Liam. In the other booth was Zayn then Niall then me.

"Hello, what can i get you?" The bleach blond waitress said, poking her chest out and un-doing her top three buttons.

"I'll have the Meatballs please." Simon told her she nodded and wrote it down the other boys agreed.

"Um, can i have the tomato past please, but please, when you bring it out, try not to get any slut on it." I told her casually making the boys chuckle, Simon slide down in his seat slightly and the waitress turn bright red. I humphed and turned on her heels, stomping of to the kitchen. I got a chorus' of 'you legend' from the boys making me laugh. 10 minutes later she arrived with our food, once we had finished Simon began discussing the tour.

"Ok, so, as you know you boys go on tour next year, however in September your travelling around, doing a few gigs here and there." Simon started and we all nodded.

"Now, we need to discuss opening acts, any suggestions?" Simon asked. We sat there in a brief silence.

"5 seconds of summer, they were awesome!" Louis chirped.

"They've already been on tour with you, we want something different." Simon told Louis.

"Cody Simpson, Conor Maynard, Justin Bieber." Niall gabbled and Simon sighed.

"No, their all to well known." Simon told Niall and Niall pouted making me giggle slightly.

"Blonde Louis." I said and Simon's eyes lit up.

"That is perfect, didn't they audition for BGT?" Simon asked and i nodded.

"Right, I'm going to get in touch with them, its a perfect idea!" Simon said happily.

"Yay!" I squealed, i love Blonde Louis!

"Ok, we need two more!" Simon said.

"Jordan Jansen, he's Australian and 14 oh and hot!" I said happily, taking a sip of my water.

"That sound great i'll add his name!" Simon said happily.

"I have the 3rd act." Zayn piped up and we all looked at him.

"Who?" Harry asked curiously.

"Lexi." Zayn said simply and my mouth opened wide while the boys all smiled, including Simon.

"I think that's a great idea!" Simon said happily.

"R..really. me?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, why not, your very talented, pretty and well your travelling with the boys anyway." Simon told me, typing a few things on his ipad.

*** 1 week later ***

Me and the boys are on the way to the airport to go back to England, im going to miss America, but hey, im coming back next year to perform on the Where we are tour and im buzzing now. The last week here has been me spending time with Cody for the press and recording covers and posting them on youtube to make people more familiar with my music.

We stepped out of the car, being swarmed by paparazzi. Cody grasped my hand and intertwined our fingers and Paul took us into the airport.


'Flight 62 to London,Heathrow. The gates are now open.' They lady on the intercom called, the boys walked towards the gates and i looked at Cody.

"I'm going to miss you babe." Cody said, pouting, i pecked his pouted lips and he smiled.

"I'm going to miss you to!" I replied, leaning my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. He kissed my hair and sighed.

'Flight 62, last call for the gates' The intercom spoke.

"I have to go." I whispered and Cody nodded. We had one last kiss and i picked up my bag and walked towards the gate 3 for my flight. I turned around to see Cody waving over at me and i waved back, blowing him kiss as he caught it, placing his hand on his heart.


And there Chapter 8 ~ Sorry its short, had writers block but i wanted to update still. Im soo lovely.

External Link: Her outfit for the meeting.

Youtube Video: Blonde Louis - Dirty

Photo: Blonde Louis and Jordan Jansen







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