Chapter 20 ~ Fake Dating.

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*** Lexi's POV ***

"Bradley! Hurry up!" I yelled, filing my nails.

"So demanding!" Bradley huffed, slipping on his leather jacket.

"Yeah, get over it, management want to speak to us!"

"Fine!" He groaned. Climbing inside the arranged transport, we waited for the drive to be over. I was nervous about the meeting, what an earth would they want. Soon the door opened and we both climbed out.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready!" He agreed, flashing me a smile.

"Hi, we have a meeting." I told Laura, the Secretary.

"They're waiting for you Miss Tomlinson, room 7." Laura replied, smiling warmly at us.

"Ah, Bradley, Lexi!" Simon exclaimed happily, hugging us both.

"Hi Simon." I replied, sitting down.

"Hey Si!" Bradley greeted, sitting beside me.

"This is Mary and Colin, they are part of management, the ones who came up with this idea for you both." Simon explained, saying hello to them, I asked why we were here.

"You're here because we want you two to fake date." Mary said simply and my eyes widened.

"Fake date!" Bradley almost yelled.

"Well yes, Bradley, you've been seen out and about with many girls recently and Lexi, you were cheated on." Mary said.

"We think it would be very good for your publicity." Colin added.

"Can't I fake date Justin Bieber?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll fake date Megan Fox!" Bradley joked.

"We didn't ask you to fake date, we're making you two fake date." Colin said smugly.

"I will be in charge of it. Messaging you about dates and what to do." Mary told us and I rolled my eyes.

"How long will we fake date for?" Bradley asked nervously.

"Minimum, 5 months." Colin said happily.

"Fine, whatever, can we go now?" I asked impatiently.

"Here's the contracts, sign here or your out." Mary spat. Picking up a pen, I signed, as did Bradley.

"Only us five can know what's going on. No one else. Understand?" Colin asked seriously.

"Yes." Me and Bradley mumbled.

"Good, here's your copies, off you go. Oh, hold hands!" Mary called after us. Slipping both contracts in my bag, I look at Bradley and he smiled. Taking a deep breath, I held his hand and we exited the building.

"Do you wanna grab a coffee?" Bradley asked.

"Yeah, why not." I smiled.

"Well, it can be our first couple outing." Bradley said and I nodded.

"I never thought management wanted us to fake date."

"Neither. Do you miss your real home?" Bradley wandered.

"Yeah, Devon is a lovely place. I really want to visit soon. Did I tell you me and the boys are going to Barbados?"

"No, when?"

"Next week. Simon arranged it."

"Funny thing is, Simon arranged for me and the other vamp members to go to Barbados next week." Bradley said suspiciously.

"Cheeky bugger, he obviously planned it." I giggled and Bradley nudged my shoulder, pecking my cheek.

"I'm not moaning, i get to see your hot bod in a bikini." 

"Brad!" I gasped, nudging him.

"What! I was paying you a compliment." He defended.

"Yeah, whatever." I grumbled and he chuckled, placing an arm around my waist. 

"Hi, what can i get you?" The waitress asked. Me and Bradley had just sat down!

"Erm, a mocha and cheese scone please." I replied politely.

"Tea and a dark chocolate chip muffin." Bradley ordered.

"Ok, coming right up!" The waitress chirped, walking off.

"So, this fake dating thing. Its weird." Bradley said, trying to spark up conversation.

"Yeah, i guess so." I mumbled in reply, playing with the sugar sachets on the table.

"Cheer up! We're all going to Barbados next week!" Bradley exclaimed and i smiled.

"Here you go!" The waitress placed our drinks and food in front of us, laying the bill next to Bradley. She left and me and Bradley tucked in.

"So, are you going to tell the lads?" Bradley asked.

"Im not allowed, it's in the contract you douche." I reminded, shoving some scone into my mouth.

"Yeah, well, the deserve to know!" Bradley shot back.

"I'm sorry but i value my job." I spat.

"Dont get stressy with me!" Bradley said.

"Dont tell me what to do!" I retorted.

"God! You can be so stubborn sometimes!" Bradley groaned.

"Whatever. If we break the contract, they'll sue us!" 

"They won't know!" Bradley shot back.

"Its certainly not a risk im wiling to take." With that, i walked out. 

"For Christ sake Lexi! Come on, let me walk you home." Bradley said, holding out his hand. Sighing, i took his hand and he walked me home.

"Sorry, for earlier." Bradley said as we reached my house.

"Its fine. Im sorry too. I just don't want to risk anything." I explained, hugging him. Pecking his cheek, i watched them tint pink.

"See you soon?" Bradley questioned.

"At the airport babe!" I winked, waving him goodbye.


Took me forever to update and its only a small update. Sorry.

Picture: Lexi's outfit.

Youtube Video: Your love is a lie - Simple Plan






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