Chapter 9 ~ My personality...

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*** Lexi's POV ***

I dragged myself out of bed at 7am as i had a meeting with Simon at 9am. I walked downstairs, shivering at the touch of my bare feet against the cold kitchen tiles. I put out a white bowl and filled it coco pops and added some milk. After finishing my breakfast i walked upstairs into my bathroom and and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then walked into my wardrobe to find something suitable to wear...

I chose a vila manic tank top, black skinny jeans and rough cowboy boots. I paired it with my braided fringe hobo bag and some raybans. I plaited my hair and added a black cat eye effect with red lips. I done a pout in the mirror, grabbed my bag and phone and walked downstairs. I checked the time and it was 8:30, my taxi should be here anytime now really. I looked out the window to see a black cab, i walked outside and climbed into the cab, smiling sweetly at the driver. I told him my destination and he drove me there.

I paid him the amount and thanked him. I stepped out of the car, looking at the huge building before me. I walked nervously inside and up to reception.

"Hello, your Lexi right?" The young receptionist asked and i nodded.

"Ok, go up to floor 5 and you'll see Mr Cowells office at the end, he is waiting for you." She told me.

"Thanks!" I muttered and walked towards the lift. I pressed floor 5 and the doors closed. I tapped my foot slightly, the door opened and i stepped out. At the end of the corridor i seen Simons office and tapped on the door 3 times.

"Come in!" His voice said from behind the door. I walked in and he greeted me and i greeted him back. I took a seat infront of him.

"Lets get to work then shall we?" He asked and i nodded.

"Ok, so every singer has a personality, rita ora for example is more of your party gal, Taylor Swift is your love struck gal. So we need to give you a personality." Simon told me.

"Ok, what do you have in mind?" I asked nervously.

"We want you to be a rebellious teenager, wearing slutty  type outfits. We have your wardrobe sorted already, we have already though of some publicity stunts. Don't worry there nothing to bad, i promise." He explained, i felt a little nervous, but hey, it's time to have some fun.

"That sounds great Simon!" I exclaimed and a smile grew on my face.

"Ok, all you need to do is sign here and here and we'll be sorted." Simon said, sliding over a piece of paper and a black pan. I picked the pen up and signed on the dotted lines. Basically saying i agree with decisions etc...




But it was just a filler,next one will defiantly be longer, im writing like 4 fanfics at the minute!<3







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