Cancer Stage 2

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Summer hates the small tubes that are connected to her body,

Summer hates the itchy dress she was wearing,

Summer hates the smell of the hospital,

Summer hates how life could be so unfair.

Oh Summer hates so much that she just wanted to die! If she survived the Cancer that she just got, then she would throw herself off the stairs and break her neck and die.

Summer hated her life, there was nothing left for her anyway. Her father died 2 years ago from a heart attack, her mother went into deep depression and ran away to Canada never showing her face again here in California. Her sister, Lily Schmidt was living with her 6 year boyfriend, Brian Marshall.

She also lived with her sister and every night she had to hear them going at it all night. It tortured her, well... because she has never been touched or kissed. She never has been in love but the only reason she was holding on was her half brother, Kendall Schmidt.

She hasn't seen him in 2 years because he became famous and stuff. She missed him.

Kendall was her eldest brother, She never knew his father. From what she has heard Kendall's father was only a one night stand with their mother. Then Kendall and Lily has always been there for Summer but once Cancer came she kept saying

'Life Certainly Loves me'

Summer moved in her bed uncomfortably, "Summer! Don't move too much or the tubes will come out.... again." her sister called out from the corner of the room reading the magazine. Summer groaned "Why can't I just die already!!"

Lily got up and rolled the magazine and hit Summer in the leg and said "Say that one more and I'll tell Kendall he can forget coming here." Summer rolled her eyes and said "What's the point in putting these tubes and spending much money? Either way I am gonna die."

Lily rolled her eyes and went back to the corner and moaned "What am I gonna do with you?"

Summer folded her arms in front of her chest, She wasn't like this at all. Before she used to be the girl who would go in a movie rental house with chocolate all over face just to let the bored worker there smile. but now that she has lost her social life and completely all of her hair she has lost all hope. She had this anger in her that she has kept for 2 years since she had Cancer. Being 17 years old with Cancer wasn't fun at all and wasn't fair.

"Drink your medicine Summer!" Lily said, "no." summer replied,

"Drink it!"


"For God sakes Summer, Drink your medicine!" Lily shouted as she threw the magazine on the floor. Summer stick her tongue out then the door opened and Lily groaned "Auugghhh!"

"Brian!! Tell Summer to drink her medicine!" Lily said as she went up to Brian, but Brian just look at summer and smiled "Let her be." Lily groaned again and went back to reading the magazine. Summer and Brian were close just like brother and sister.

"I got a call from Kendall." Brian said as he set the Mcdonalds take out on the small table. "And?" Summer asked as she changed the channel on the small TV. "He'll be here tomorrow." he said as he got the fries and went to give summer some fries and as summer tasted the saltyness of the fries, Lily threw a chicken nugget at Brian's head, Summer laughed at how cute they were.

"Shes not suppose to eat that!" Lily said, "Come on lily! just relax!" Brian said as he sat next to Lily and put his arm around her but Lily got up and said "How can I relax when I have a boyfriend who is okay killing my sister with french fries and a sister who can't wait for her death bed!! auuugghhh!" and then she stomped out of the room but before she could go out the door she turned to summer and said

"I will tell Kendall."

Then she walked out the door and summer shouted like a 5 year old "Tattle Tale!!" then Summer thought to herself

"Who cares if I''m acting like a child, I'm gonna die anyways"

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