Don't feel sorry for me.

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The next morning Summer was impatient. "Where the hell is Kendall?" she groaned. Lily rolled her eyes, tired of her sister being in this mood ever since the day was announced that she has Cancer.

"Don't get your panties in a--" Brian then cut Lily off, "They are on the way." Brian looked at Lily and gave her a look that says 'Stop it'

"oh, okay... Wait! who's they?" Summer asked, "Him and his band." Brian said in his Australian accent. Summer groaned knowing Kendall's band called Big Time Rush, she wasn't a big fan since she was more into music like Ed sheeran, Nickleback, Red Jumpsuit, Evanescence and Goo Goo Dolls.

"Stop your groaning Summer, You have been groaning over the year." Brian said as he grew more tired of people groaning in the room as he looked between Lily and summer.

Now don't get me wrong Lily and Summer are very close sisters, you could say that they are just like magnets but that's why they always fight and act like this, they know each other from the inside out.

"Give me my wig please." Summer said as she pointed to her Brown wig that was sitting on the other side of the room. She usually wears that when she had guests that she didn't really know. she was shy and ashamed that she had no hair.

"Summer, Don't feel ashamed that you have no hair, You are beautiful." Lily said, "Just give me my wig." Summer said, "Summer--" "JUST GIVE ME MY WIG!!" She shrieked, Lily and Brian jumped from the unexpected hurt in her words. Brian looked at Lily and nodded his head. Lily got up and gave the wig to Summer.

Summer wore the wig, biting her lower lip trying her best not to cry. Since she had lost hope, she never believed people when they would say that she is beautiful. She always thought 'Why would they think that I am beautiful when I have no hair'

The room was silent then the silence was broken by a knock at the door. Lily got up to answer it. Summer quickly adjusted her wig hoping that Kendall or the others would notice that it was fake, She looked at the door and saw a guy hug her sister. "It's good to see you Kendall." Lily said, she stepped aside so summer can see everyone at the door.

Summer quickly smiled and said "Kendall my brother!! Give me some love!!" as she opened her arms, Kendall ran into her arms and hugged and kissed her head multiple times. Summer was hoping and praying that the wig won't fall off.

"Summer!! I missed you so much!!" Kendall said as he pulled back and looked into her greyish blue eyes. "I missed you more!! I'm dying without you here." Summer said, Lily then threw another chicken nugget at her. "ow!"

Kendall laughed, "Summer I want you to meet my friends and band mates... This is Carlos, James and Logan." he said as he pointed at each one. The three smiled and waved. "Hey guys!" Summer said, she was dreading the moment to meet the guys but she didn't expect that his friends would be good looking.... especially Logan who managed to catch her eye.

A few minutes later, the guys of big time rush was on the couch just listening to the three siblings that are catching up. "Summer I am sorry that I wasn't here when I heard you had... you know." Kendall said as he scratched  the back of his neck. "No problamo bro! but you have to make it up to me." she said with a grin on her face.

"What do you want?" Kendall asked, "I want you and your band to sing to me, right now."  she said, "We could do that." Carlos said as he stood up excited to perform. "But we have no music." Logan said, "we'll sing without it." Kendall said as he stood in the middle of the room. Summer jumped in her bed and clapped her hands.

"Umm... Kendall wrote this song for you.. its called shot in the dark." Logan said as he got in line with his band mates, Summer tried her best not to blush but the Lily already noticed and she looked shocked.

Then they started singing,

The video is at the side of the page, PLAY IT! :D

Once they were finished Summer, Lily and Brian clapped their hands. "Wow! Kendall, did you really wrote that for me?" Summer asked, Kendall nodded and smile as he watched his younger sister smiled and clapped her hands.

Carlos tried to do break dance but failed making his face hit the floor, Summer tilted her head back and laughed but something happened that made them all gasped, her wig fell off.

Summer's hands quickly tried to cover her head until her chest started hurting. She clutched her chest and quickly said "nurse." Lily quickly ran outside shouting for a doctor, Kendall and the rest stood there shocked. The doctor quickly came inside with a nurse injected her with some medicine that will stop the pain.

"Ms.Summer, You have to rest." the doctor said and then he left as the nurse made Summer comfortable then she also left. Kendall then whispered "I'm so Sorry Summer." he felt useless because for 2 years he has been gone thinking that Summer was okay but he was so wrong.

But summer got mad because she hated why she had Cancer she hated when people said Sorry,

"DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR ME!!!" she shouted making everyone flinch.

"Please let me rest." she said in a more soft voice, Kendall looked at Lily confused. He didn't understand why Summer acted like this. Lily quickly grabbed Kendall and the rest of the group outside the room.

"What was that Lily? Summer isn't like this." Kendall said as he folded his arms waiting for an answer. Lily sighed and said "Ever since she knew she had Cancer, She gave up on hope. She would always complain about everything. Even when people felt sorry about her, she thinks life is unfair and that she wants to die to get rid of the pain."

Kendall didn't know what to do, he looked down wishing he could go back to the past and change it.

Logan felt sorry for his friend, He thought Summer was beautiful. He was very shock that she was wearing a wig. He also felt sorry. He wanted to help her, she was beautiful and very sweet but he knew he could never be with her because she had Cancer and he didn't want to end up breaking his own heart.

Please comment on what you think. :D so far...

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