Getting Back

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        Summer was at the mall with Lily shopping for new clothes, "You actually said that?" Lily asked in surprise as she poked her head out of the clothing racket, "uh-huh, You should have seen his face... it was priceless." Summer said as she checked out a green blouse and tried her best to not remember the moment so she could focus on shopping rather than remembering that really heart breaking moment where she rejectedher first love.

Suddenly Summer's ringtone filled the room, Summer groaned hating to be disturb while she shopped with her sister. "Hello, Summer Speaking." Summer said as she did a smile showing her adorable dimples.

"Hello, Summer?"

Once the person on the other line spoke, Summer's eyes widen because she know who exactly who it was. "Umm.. Who is this?" Summer asked nervously as she dragged herself away from her sister but her sister noticed Summer's distress and went over to stand next to her.

"Hey! It's me Logan." he said in a smooth and musical voice, Summer cursed silently. "Oh.. it's you, what do you want?" Summer asked irratatedly. "Where did you get my number?" She asked, she heard Logan chuckle at the other end and said "Kendall."

Kendall, I should have known Summer thought to herself.

"I called to say hi, and was wondering if you want to go to dinner with me some time?" he asked, "Hold on a sec," Summer said as she covered the phone and whispered to Lily "He is asking my out." "who?" Lily asked, and Summer mouthed his name Logan.

"Say yes." Lily encouraged her younger sister, "WHAT!?!?! no way!" Summer said as she did her disgusting face trying to look disgusted. "Just say yes and I'll  explain later, Promise! You won't regret it." Lily said as she smiled like she had an evil plan, this is what Summer loved about her.

"Hello, sure! I'll text you the place and time. Toodles!" Summer said in a sweet voice as she put down the phone before Logan could speak, "Spill." Summer said to her sister.

Lily spilled her evil plan on how to get back on Logan and one thing described Lily at the moment,


Guys, I'm so sorry if this chapter is short. I promise that the next chapter will be very long since the next one Logan and Summer will be in a very sweet situation. NO SPOILERS!!! Thanks for reading!! Vote and Fan!!

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