I thought... But I'll make you regret

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        Logan was leaning in and Summer didn't back away. She knew what she felt towards Logan was real, she just have to accept the fact that she is in love with a pop star who happens to be her brother's best friend.

Summer was always that soft and sweet girl and in her head, her conscious was shouting "No! Do not kiss him, You will only get hurt. Remember you have Cancer!! heeellloooooooo..... Danger!!"

but as soon as Summer felt his soft and warm lips upon hers she thought to herself, "Maybe a small kiss won't hurt." 

Surprisingly she kissed back. She felt as a shiver went down her spine and she felt warm all over her body.

Logan was usually the guy to date a girl for some time but then wouldn't get too serious, he would always kissed the girl to see if there was a connection, sadly there wasn't but he was scared that with Summer, he felt the connection. He felt as if his heart would be lost to her.

Sweat started to form on his head as he remembered that this was Kendall's sister and she had Cancer. He rudely pushed her away but making sure she didn't fell off the building and concern was written all over her face, "Did I do something wrong?" she asked as if she just saw a ghost.

He felt guilty that he led her on, he didn't want anything serious between them. He was scared that there was a connection, no matter how his lips and body screamed for her, he wouldn't allow it.

"No... Summer... I'm sorry. I can't do this." he said as he led her away from the edge of the building. Summer's heart was beating fast, her mind was correct she would only get hurt in the end. "What do you mean it won't work? kissing on the edge of the building or the kiss?" she asked, hoping that it was the first one.

Logan look down as he took a step away from Summer, not making any body contact. He sighed and said "Summer, You're Kendall's sister, he would kill me if he knew. Even Lily would kill me." but Summer knew he wasn't telling the truth. "You're lying." she said

"There is something you are not telling me, Please Logan... tell me the truth." Summer said as she held back the tears as she always did for the last 2 years. "Summer.. Please... " Logan started but Summer was growing frustrated with him and not hurting her feelings. "Logan please be honest, tell me the truth." Summer said, Logan had too much pressure on him. He lost it and yelled "FOR GOD SAKES SUMMER!! YOU HAVE CANCER!! YOU'RE GONNA DIE!! I DON'T WANNA LOVE A GIRL WHO IS ILL!"  but as soon as those words left his mouth, he regretted it.

Summer flinched as he yelled at her, she was shocked and most of all... hurt.

This time, over the two years that she had held the tears back from falling, she let them go, "Summer, I'm sorry. I don't mean it tha--" before Logan could apologize, Summer held her hand signaling him to stop talking and she whispered between her soft crying "I understand Logan, You're a superstar while I'm just a normal girl waiting in the hospital for her death bed.... I just thought.. *sobs* ... I thought you were different.. " with that Summer turned around and walked back to her room, hoping no one would notice that she was gone and her heart was broken.


        Hours later, the Big Time Rush was ready to go back to work, "I'm gonna miss you sis!" Kendall said as he hugged his sister for the last time. "I'll miss you too bro, Don't worry maybe next time it would be me visiting you." Summer said making everyone except Logan shock. Kendall smiled widely and kissed Summer on the head and said "You will."

They all said their goodbyes and they left.

It was back to just Summer, Brian and Lily. "Hey!! I didn't see you say goodbye to Logan." Lily said as she looked at Summer who was just staring at the ceiling. "I don't wanna talk about it."

Lily look at Brian with a face that says Something happened between them and I don't like it.

Summer thought long and hard, she won't take Logan's word lightly because he really hurt her. She will make him regret.... she will have hope and she will work hard just to show him, show them all that she is stronger.

She will fight this Cancer.

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