The way you make me feel

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        Summer has been scared and on the edge lately. She has been hiding, hoping she would never see the face of Logan but the thought of that made her disappointed. No, I shall not think of that! He hurt me! she thought as she had her brown trenched coat with sunglasses so no one could recognize her.

She hid behind a plant at the mall hoping she could get to Victoria's secret store without any confrontation or people ogling over her. but as she hid behind the plant and peered over to see if it's clear, she heard

clap clap

someone clapped from behind making her jump and scream. "Whoa! Whoa! Summer! This isn't the conjuring or something." Logan said, "God damn it, all this week effort has gone to waste." Summer mumbled to herself, "Hello to you too!" he said "So I was wondering, do you want to go out for coffee or something." Summer stood up straight and said "No, I shall not go anywhere with you unless it's between life and death." Logan smirked and said "You're sexy when you try to stand up for yourself." making Summer blush. "What are you doing here Logan?" Summer asked, obviously annoyed but at the same time deep down inside she was thrilled and happy to see him.

"To make you fall in love with me." he said as he showed his dimple smile making Summer curse for the great being for making him amazingly irresistible. "It's working huh?" he asked as he leaned forward only inches away from Summer's lips that pursed into a straight line from him being too close. "no." she said as she walked away. "Awe! Now come on Summer, it isn't fair!" he whined as he chased after her like a dog after a mailman.

Summer stopped where she stood and stared at him wide eyed, UNFAIR!?!?! He is certainly the one being unfair since he made Summer fall in love with him before and broke her in half as if she was a toothpick. This time when he makes her fall in love she won't fall for it anymore, she won't let herself get hurt... again. She won't let the mouthwatering gorgeous breathtaking charming Logan Henderson make her fall in love, it was not right and it was also not wrong.

"Logan... leave me alone," Summer said with no emotion itching on her beautiful face.

Hee! - hee!
Go on girl!

Logan started singing as he followed her, earning a few stares from people around them. Oh no! He's not gonna sing to me in public! Summer thought as she walked away faster but Logan kept up with her, "Logan!! Don't do this!" she hissed through her teeth making Logan smirk mischievously.

Hey pretty baby with the high heels on
You give me fever
Like I've never, ever known

he started singing again and doing a few dances that could make Summer blush, but Summer leashed her heart. She wasn't gonna fall for this. "Logan!! Stop singing!!" she hissed again as she tried to lose him by walking fast but Logan then went in front of Summer making her stop,

You're just a product of loveliness
I like the groove of your walk,
Your talk, your dress

Soon people from all around, from all levels were now watching them, Some recognize them two and started shouting but they let Logan finish his singing,

I feel your fever
From miles around
I'll pick you up in my car
And we'll paint the town
Just kiss me baby
And tell me twice
That you're the one for me

Logan tried to touch Summer's cheek but she slapped it away, and she tried to pass him but Logan twirled behind her and stopped again in front of her making her trapped by this beautiful voiced Angel,

The way you make me feel
(The way you make me feel)
You really turn me on
(You really turn me on)
You knock me off of my feet
(You knock me off of my feet)
My lonely days are
(My lonely days are gone)

but this time the second voice wasn't Logan, People around them started singing the second voice making them look like a choir in some kind of church. Summer rolled her eyes and said "Logan stop this before you make a complete fool out of yourself."

Summer pushed him gently but Logan lost his balance and fell back on his back with a grunt. People started laughing at him, Summer felt guilty about that but she laughed along with them.

Logan just stared at Summer as she laughed, Summer then walked passed him ignoring him.

Logan lied there, hurt but determined. but most of all,


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