This was not part of the Plan

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        Summer text Logan to meet her at a small Cafe at exactly 6pm. Summer was there in a silk red dress that came right above her knee, it showed some cleavage and it was long sleeve. Summer then wore a white closed high heels and her hair was put into a neat and clean pony tail.

Summer's plan was easy and for sure, heart breaking.

She would pretend to have a fun time on the date with Logan and when he tries to kiss her She will stop him and do what he did to her back then.

"Hey Summer!" Summer heard his voice ring through the air like it was a voice of a Fallen Angel. She turned around and gave her best smile and said "Hey Logan." She tried her best not to ogle over his white shirt that hugged his well build chest.

"I was thinking we can hang out in this Cafe." She said pointing to the small Cafe behind her, He chuckled and said "I'm the man here, So I get to bring you where ever I want. Simply because I was the one to ask you out and not the other way around." He said making a very good point. Summer stared at him, dumb founded, this was not going well with her plan.

Suddenly Logan grabbed her hand and led her to his car, he opened the passenger's door for her like a gentleman and as he got inside, he speed off.

"Can you at least tell me where are we going?" Summer asked, She wanted to know where they were going so she could make a last minute plan. Logan smirked and said "Its a surprise." Summer rolled her eyes and just stared out the window. The drive was quiet because in Summer's mind she was cursing Logan in every way and Logan on the other hand had some tricks up his sleeves.

When the car came to a stop, Summer looked out the window to see Disney Land. "Seriously Disney Land?" She asked, pointing to her dress that was not fit to be here. He just laughed and said "Then make sure you hold your dress when we go on the rides." as he got out of the car. Summer groaned and followed him.

They went on a few rides and Summer wasn't having fun, Logan was the only one laughing and smiling. But when Logan noticed the frown on her face, he suddenly grabbed a water gun from one of the game stalls and shoot at Summer making her scream.

Logan tilted his head back and laughed, "LOGAN!!" Summer screamed as she tried to wipe off the wet that was spreading through her dress. She stomped to one of the stalls and grabbed a water gun and shoot back right on Logan's face as he was laughing.

Once the water met his face she burst out laughing like a little girl. They started having a water gun fight and running around, finally Summer was smiling and laughing along with Logan.

Once their guns ran out of water they both ended up buying a sweater, Logan bought a grey sweater with Mickey Mouse on it and he also bought summer a grey sweater with Minnie Mouse on it. Summer let her hair down so it could dry but both of them started to run towards the roller coaster and at times Logan had to drag Summer into the haunted house.

Summer was having the time of her life that she even forgot about the plan of getting back at Logan.

They were waiting in the line for Ice Cream when Summer noticed a security guard escorting a small girl away from a ride and the security guard said "Sorry little girl, you can't ride this ride with your condition." it made summer's heart break. The little girl who seemed around 5 years old was close to tears as she watched her friends ride the ride.

Summer left the line, Logan was about to ask where she was going until he saw Summer approaching a girl with no hair. Summer kneel to the level of the small girl and said "Hey little girl." once the girl looked at her, her eyes widen and she said "I know you! You are the model from my brother's poster. My older brother adores you." Summer smiled and said "Yes, I am." awkwardly.

"wow! You are more pretty in personal." she said as she smiled brightly. "why, Thank you sweetheart. My name is Summer Schmidt."  Summer said as she smiled at the girl. "My name is Amber Lerman." she said in her cute voice. "Amber, that's a pretty name. Are those your friends?" Summer asked pointing to the kids riding on the ride.

"Yes, one of them is my older sister, Tiffany. They won't let me on the ride since I have Cancer." Amber said, "You know what Amber, I used to have Cancer. Even the Doctor said I didn't have long. I fight against Cancer and look at me now, I am still fighting but I am more healthy than I once was." Summer said cupping amber's small fragile face.

"Really? Do you think I will survive too?" Amber asked, "Of course I do! Just don't be sad that you can't go on the ride. be happy because someday that will be you riding that ride." Summer said as she kissed amber's forehead.

Soon Logan appeared behind Summer holding three ice cream cones. He gave one to summer, one to the little girl and he kept the other one. "Wow! You are Logan Henderson from Big Time Rush!" amber kind of shouted making all her friends on the ride look at her and started screaming but they could do nothing since they were on the ride.

"Yes that's me." Logan said as he hugged the little girl. "Wow! Can I get picture of both of you?" Amber asked in her squeaky voice. Summer and Logan nodded as Amber got out her phone and Logan put Amber on his shoulders and they took one normal picture smiling and another one doing silly faces.

Logan put Amber down and she asked "Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" as she blushed. Summer smiled sheepishly and Logan answered for her "Yes we are." "Well, you two look good together like you're both made for each other." Amber said making Summer blush like a tomato.

"Thank you." Summer and Logan said in union as they both looked at each other. They said their good bye to Amber and left to grab some dinner. Summer was eating her chili cheese fries while Logan was eating a hamburger. "Favorite sport?" Logan asked while taking a bite of his burger, "Hmm.. Volleyball and swimming." Summer answered.

They talked about the time that they both haven't seen each other and Summer was enjoying the time. After their dinner they went to the games and Logan won her a huge brown teddy bear, then when midnight came DisneyLand displayed fire works.

"They're beautiful." Summer said as she stared into wonder at the fire works, Logan looked at her and said "It is." Summer looked at him and blushed when she realized he was talking about her.

Logan was falling really hard for Summer, not only was she beautiful but when she went up to the small girl his feelings grew bigger for her. She had big and warm heart, that's what he loved about her.

Then that's when Logan started to lean towards Summer, Summer was nervous. She didn't knew what to do, to go with her plan or just kiss him to satisfy her dream. but the moment was perfect,

she found herself leaning in too. When his lips crashed on her own, her stomach was swarming with butterflies, her heart fluttered 10 times than it usually does.

and her mind was screaming

This was not part of the plan.

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