Chocolates and Baths part 1

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        "Awww... He sang to you in a mall... that's so sweet." Lily cooed at whatever Hocus-Pocus that Logan was playing here. "I tell you, it's just all an act for me to fall in love and end up getting hurt in the end." Summer hissed as she slammed her fist on the table. we were just chilling at our house, having nothing to do today. "Summer, relax! You should have fun!" Lily said as she seemed relaxed, too relaxed. "What's up with you? First, me and you wanted revenge on that bastard! but now you want me to relax and just have fun... with Logan?" Summer asked, Lily smiled dreamily "Well... we could talk it over as we pick a wedding dress for me." she said, making Summer squeal and jump into her arms. "OMG! You're getting married!!" Summer squealed again as she sat on Lily's lap.

"Yes! We are and you know what!? We get married in two months!!" She said happily. Summer squealed again and hugged her with all her might. "I guess you broke the news to her." Brian's voice boomed the room. Summer stood up quickly to hug Brian but was frozen when she saw who was beside him,

"Logan? What are you doing here?" Summer asked

Summer looked at Logan like she was a lost puppy, she then quickly looked between Brian and Lily and saw both guilty smiles on their faces. "Brian invited me over to celebrate!! He told me that him and Lily were getting married so why not?" he said, "Why isn't Kendall here then?" Summer asked, disappointed that Kendall wasn't here to celebrate with them, instead they have Logan to fill in. "Girl issues, but... he send this," Logan said as he held a bouquet of roses to Lily and Lily hugged Logan and said "Thank you!! and tell Kendall I said Thank you and give him a big kiss for me." Logan made a disgusted face but then he got one rose out of the bouquet and held it out in front of Summer. "And one rose for the pretty lady." he said as he gave Summer a kiss on the cheek. Making Summer growl but blush at the same time. 

"So how are we gonna celebrate this? What do you want us to cook?" Lily asked as she stood up. "No, you guys aren't cooking tonight. Leave the cooking to the men." Brian said. "Yes, we are your personal cooks." Logan added. "Somehow I don't trust them." Summer said as her and Lily plopped back on the couch. "I could get used to this." Lily said as she relaxed back. Logan winked at Summer and said "Be back my lovely." as he pinched her cheek. Lily laughed at the funny but sweet gesture.


        An hour have passed and the room started to smell good, "Hmm.. I didn't know you guys could be great cooks!!" Lily shouted, "You could be surprise my dear, these are not only good looks but we have more than what meets the eye." Brian said as he flexed his muscles making me laugh. Even years of being with Lily, Summer adored how Brian would always try his best to impress her and make her swoon no matter how many years they have been dating.

"The scent of food can deceive you!! It can smell good but it could also taste horrible!" Summer shouted, earning a glare from Brian. Summer laughed and then Logan looked at her with so much adoration in his eyes. "You have a cute laugh." Logan said from the kitchen making Summer quiet again. 

Once the food was ready, everybody sat down at the table to eat. "Gosh! I am hungry!" Lily said as she started to dig in. But Summer just played with her food, Logan felt worried that she might not like the food that they cooked. "What's wrong Summer?" Brian asked, "I'm just making sure that the food ain't poisoned." Summer hissed as she glared at Logan, totally not trusting him.

Brian laughed while Lily said "Now if it was poisoned, I would be dead by now." Summer looked at Logan and he had a smile that no one could resist. God! Why do you have to make Logan so perfect yet at the same time a total jerk! Summer thought in her head as she took a bite of the food. Everybody anticipated her reaction. Summer's eyes widen, as she felt the delicious food in her mouth. Everybody giggled and continued eating, Summer felt a bit bad for saying things to Logan when actually he was a good cook.

Once they were done, Summer volunteered to do the dishes while everyone took a rest in the living room. but Logan came up behind Summer as she did the dishes and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Need help?" he asked as he lifted her off the floor making her squeal. Summer playfully hit Logan on the shoulder even though she had soap bubbles on her hand and said "no, I don't need help, especially your help." Logan smirked and grabbed the spray hose thing from the sink and sprayed a bit on Summer. "Logan! Not this again! We shall not end up wet like we did in Disney Land!" Summer hissed, as she shivered from the cold water that met her leg.

Logan put the hose back and said "Okay!" Summer continued washing the dishes, but Logan had a plan up his sleeve. He went to the refrigerator and got out chocolate syrup and Whip cream, he had a mischievous smile plastered on his face as he sneaked once again behind Summer. Soon he pressed the chocolate syrup and sprayed whip cream on Summer making her scream. Summer turned around and glared at Logan. "I told you NO!" she hissed, "You said wet, you did not say chocolate syrup or whip cream." Logan said, before Summer could say anything Logan continued putting chocolate and whip cream on her.

She screamed and wiggled around trying to wipe the chocolate and whip cream on Logan and sometimes she succeeded and got a few good spots on him. Soon when both of them were covered with chocolate and whip cream and wasted like a lot of bottles of chocolate syrup and cans of whip cream, Summer threw her hands around his neck to keep her balance since the floor was covered in chocolate and whip cream. 

But both of them failed as they both came crashing down with Summer on top of Logan. Both of them groaned and especially Logan. Both of them laughed as they both stared into each others eyes. Logan licked Summer's cheek, tasting the chocolate that was there. "Eyew!!" Summer whined as she playfully slapped him in the chest, "You're tasty!" Logan said as he wiggled his eyebrows making Summer giggle.

"What the hell is going on here!?!?" Lily asked as she stood at the door way, Brian came up behind her and sighed. "The bathtub is running with water, both of you guys go take a bath! But keep your clothes on!!" Brian said


So Chocolates and Baths part 2 is about to come out, so Stay tuned! Vote!! And Thanks for reading!!

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