Chocolates and Baths part 2

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        Summer was in the bathtub with Logan both at the opposite sides playing with the water awkwardly, Logan was staring at Summer while Summer was trying to not make eye contact. "Tell me... how do you do it?" he asked Summer, Summer raised an eyebrow and asked "Do what?" he then smiled his dimple smile and said "Surviving Cancer and becoming VS model." Summer pursed her lips into a thin line and said "I had a goal... that keeps me moving... I just believed in myself."

"That's amazing... You're amazing no wonder why I fell for you hard," he said as he smirked. Summer was tired of his sweet talk, it wouldn't be a problem if Logan didn't insult her years ago when she thought she was dying of cancer. but he insulted her leading her to not trust him and one word echoed through her head,


but instead of yelling at him she splashed some water on Logan making him open his mouth in shocked splashing water back at Summer. Soon both of them started splashing water at each other. Their laughter's echoing through the bathroom. Right in the middle of their water fight Lily appeared at the door with a shocked but bewildered expression "What is going on here!?" she asked with her hands on her hips. Summer and Logan grinned at each other and started splashing water on Lily making her shriek.

"That's it you both out of the tub! Brian has towels ready for you!" she said as she made her way towards the bathtub and drained the water. Making Summer and Logan pout but Lily just ignored them as she made her way out of the bathroom. Summer and Logan were still pouting, Logan looked at Summer and he quickly grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips and as he pulled away he quickly got out of the bathroom saying "you're cute when you pout." leaving a shocked Summer in the bathtub.


Summer and Logan sat in the living room with towels around their bodies since Lily won't let them change-- Lily's revenge. Summer and Logan were shaking and trembling from the cold that was quickly spreading through their whole body.

"This is all your fault!" Summer said as she shivered violently, "My fault?" Logan asked "It was your idea to splash Lily now she is having her revenge by freezing our butts off." Summer said as she shivered tightening the towel that was hugging her. Logan noticed that Summer was turning blue since Lily turned on the air-conditioning to the coldest as it could be.

Logan then scooted nearer to Summer and Summer pushed him away asking "What are you doing?" Logan was stronger than her and held her close to him "We can warm up if our bodies are rubbing together," Logan said as he saw Summer blushing as he wrapped his arms around her. but Summer tried getting our of his hold but Logan's grip was tight and there was no use in fighting back.

"Summer don't push me away." Logan whispered as he looked deeply into Summer's eyes. Summer got lost in his eyes wondering why would she ever want to push this man away when all he has ever been was sweet and kind. but that's when Summer remembered what Logan did to her years ago.

but before she could curse Logan in her head Logan then leaned his head forward capturing her lips making her melt into his arms.

sorry guys if I haven't updated in a long time. Thank you for reading! Part 2 is suppose to be short but the next will be long so keep updated and read what happens next.

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