Ch.4 Over Feeling it

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During the week, Rebecca will always find time to be with her friends. She tries to even the time with Kelly and Lizzy. But lately Rebecca has notice Lizzy has been avoiding her for some time. Like in English class, with Ms. Quin the English teacher, she ask her students to partner up with someone closest to you. While Rebecca was going for Lizzy, who was just the right of her, Lizzy was going to Monica, who was on the other side of the room. Rebecca does still talk to them but not like before.

Another time Rebecca notice was during lunch after Mr. Rey's class, who was the Physics teacher, she has Kelly in that class. Usually, Rebecca waits for Lizzy and Monica on the tables outside of the cafeteria. This spot was a recluse place with plants and flowers all around. It was a very private place. Kelly and she were talking about the battle they had with Desmond. They talk in a way that people thinks it's a TV show. As they were walking to the table Rebecca, in the corner of her eye, saw Lizzy with Monica heading to the table. Once Rebecca and Kelly got their backpacks on the table Lizzy grab a hold on Monica shoulder with abundant force and walk to the bathroom. Rebecca waited for Lizzy with Kelly but never came until the end of lunch. She would ask Lizzy where she was butt Lizzy would give her a weak excuse. Rebecca doesn't believe her but she let it go.

Rebecca wants to spend more time with the girls. She also want Lizzy and Kelly to become friends too.  She plan a day out with the girls. She ask the girls if they want to meet up at the mall. They all agree to Rebecca's plan. They will meet on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday came. Rebecca was already walking to the mall with Athena. She was an hour early. Athena was asking her why she is early.

"Cause today will be a great day." She told her, "This day we all will become friends." They kept on walking to the mall but something got Athena's attention. There was a group of guys, mean, ugly looking guys, who were watching this girl walking by them. They whistle at her but she ignore them. It wasn't til one of the guys came close to her. He place his hand to her lower back and she didn't like that. As she turn around to him she gave him a punch on the face that knock him to the ground. She try to apologize to him but his guys didn't like that a girl has her own mind. They surround her. She didn't know what to do she stood there frozen. They were about to begin.

"Hey leave her alone!" Rebecca yelled at them.

They turn around and saw Rebecca standing there. The smile evilly at her.

"Looks like it's going to be a party..." one them said. Some of the guys went to Rebecca while the others stay with the other girl. The guy came up to Rebecca and said, "Wanna join your friend?" as he was saying he try to place his hand on her face butt she slap it away. He got angry with her. He then lift his hand to punch her but a hand stop her. She look to her side and saw another guy. It was Sebastian who got him by the hand. "Now now. It's not polite to hit a lady." Sebastian told the guy as he squeeze his hand. Sebastian squeeze so hard on to his hand the guy went to his knee. The guy then move his hand away from them. The guy hold his hand close to his body as if it was broken. Rebecca thought it was broken but he was exaggerating as he pretend it was broken.

"Go on get..." one of the guy shout at his guys but someone pass by, a police. He came up to them with his sun glasses on; all strict, bold like he knew what he was doing.

"Is there a problem?" he ask the group. The guy had a grim looking smile. He stood up and ran to the police hoping that he can win this fight.

"Listen Officer... I was helping this poor girl and this guy came out of nowhere and its causing trouble." The guy pled to the officer. The officer look at the group. What he sees is a group of guys who look like they're out of place. While the other guy who look like someone who is going to work in an office.

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