CH.5 The Sound of Fright

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It was the October 31st, Rebecca was getting ready for the party. A week before Lizzy ask her to come to her Halloween party. Lizzy call her up by the phone asking if she can come. Rebecca almost didn't get invite because of her mentioning Kelly. She was stuttering with the name Kelly, trying to change the subject but after convincing her she finally invited Kelly. The party is at the old house down the street of school. They believe that the owner was murder in the house.

The story is that it was cold October day. A newlywed couple have just move in to the house. After a week the couple had being hearing noises in every corner of the house. They didn't seem to bother them until they heard a thump under the basement. It was the 31st, Halloween, the wife decide to investigate the basement. She was alone that night so she decide to walk down the stairs. With each step she took she be hearing noises. The type of noises were voices, saying something. She wasn't sure what but it something that relate to the house. Once she reach the bottom the lights turn off. She had a flash light but it didn't help enough. She turn all around and saw nothing. So she decide to head back up but when she reach the top a face appear. The next day she was found dead. The press and the officials believe that it was her husband. They didn't go forth with reconnoiter of the murder as there was so many evidence pointing to the husband they drop it.

On the way there to the party with Kelly and Athena, Rebecca was thinking of trying to solve the mystery of the wife's death. Kelly didn't believe the story but she will join Rebecca's ambiguities. They were dress as cats while Athena had dog ears on her head. When they got to the party Lizzy gave Kelly an unwelcome attitude. Lizzy told them about no one is allow downstairs.

"How did you get the house? I thought no one is allow to be here?" Rebecca ask Lizzy as they walk to the living room. They party was beginning to start. They just hook up the stereo and turn up the volume. "Well..." Lizzy began to explain but the music was so loud Rebecca couldn't hear. But she caught bits of the clarification of the house. Rebecca just heard that her dad rent out the house for the night. As Rebecca and Kelly try to keep up with Lizzy, they got lost from the crowd. So they decide to head up stairs to find her. Once they reach the top they began to look for Lizzy but they can't see from all the people there. There were people standing by the rail of the stair. They seem to be in their own world since every time Rebecca ask someone about Lizzy they will ignore her. Until she heard a voice from behind telling her something. "I haven't seen her but she must be somewhere near the drinks, talking with Monica." The voice said. She turn around to see who it was, it was Sebastian with two of his friends. "Really?" she said to him. "Yeah... she being doing that lately." He told her. She just shove her shoulder up. "So who do we have here?" Kelly ask Sebastian about his friends. He chuckle at her. "Okay... Well this is..." he explain he point out one of his friends. Rebecca knew who he was it was Vic. The other guy she couldn't see since its dark. "... and this is Paul." He finish explaining. They all greet each other. They began to talk about the house party. Kelly then blurt it out about Rebecca's crime solving plan. They were surprise to hear that Rebecca was to solve it.

"I want to know what really happen...It sounds interesting. Beside Lizzy doesn't care about us anyway. She's not making an effort of finding me." Rebecca explain to the guys. "Well that would be the best part of this party." Said Paul with a gloomy tone. Kelly getting all excite she told them to join them. Rebecca punch her on the shoulder for inviting them. Sebastian saw Rebecca hitting Kelly so he ask her what was wrong with them coming. She explain she was only thinking about solving the mystery. Sebastian then told her that they might as well solve it. Rebecca was getting upset because she wanted to do it. With her being upset she deicide to go down to the basement. Kelly and the guys went after her trying to stop her to go down the stairs. But she refuse to stop so she kept going. She made it to the basement door she look around to see if anyone is watching. She sees that people are enjoying themselves in the party. She see a couple talking with cups in their hand. Other couples in the corner kissing. He couldn't let his hands off of her. For some strange feeling Rebecca might know who she is but she let it go. She walk down the stairs of the basement it was dim lite in the room. She heard footsteps from behind her. Her back had chills it start it low then it reach to the top of her head. When she look behind she saw it was Kelly with the guys. Rebecca gave them a pout looking face to them. "What are you doing?" she whisper to them. They told her they wanted to come to stop her but she was already in so they endure their walking. They reach the bottom of the basement. It was dark but with a dim light it wasn't enough to look around. The smell of the basement was drench with some type of flesh of a human. It smell as if the body is still there. The basement had boxes everywhere. One side of the room had boxes label Richard and Emma's stuff. It had towels, bed sheets, pillows and clothes. On the other side the boxes label evidences of homicide. They open up the boxes they only had a bloody night gown. Just the bloody night gown. "What? Is that it?" Victor said. "Yeah looks like it..." Rebecca said holding the shirt up. "Looks like we just wasted some time going down here." Paul told them. They looking around for another few moments but see nothing. They began to walk to the stairs until Rebecca stop. She see a door behind some boxes. She told them to stop and look at the boxes. They were astonish when they see the boxes coving the door. They guys went to the boxes and start taking the boxes off, one by one. Once they door was clear Rebecca approach the door. When she drew closer they would hear whispers. It bought a chill down their spine. It seem like it said help or something. A cold wind blew pass them. Their hearts start pounding insane their heart almost bursting out of their chest. Rebecca was about to turn the door knob until they heard a scream. It was the type of scream when someone was just being spook by something. Both Paul, Victor, and Kelly jump back and cuddle by the stairs. Only Sebastian and Rebecca was standing there, "Did you...?" she ask Sebastian, "Yeah... Open the door." He told her to do. She turn the knob slowly, so slow that it seem year since she turn completely. She push the door away and it was a black room. Rebecca move in to the room. After her was Sebastian, then the guys with Kelly. Rebecca only took two steps before realizing that this was a bad idea. But Sebastian had his hand on her shoulder and told her to keep going. When she heard him she also heard Kelly and the guys fighting who goes first. So she did continue but as she move forward the light from the black grew dimmer. Then Victor said, "Here use this..." he handed her a lighter. She thank him and flick the lighter. She sees another set of boxes. She told the group to look. She look around to for something brighter than the lighter. Sebastian pointed out the lantern on the floor near the boxes. They went to it and turn the lantern on. The room became brighter they were so relive to see light. Rebecca then went over to the box to open it but the boxes were tape. It was strange to see that these boxes were seal with tape. She try to rip but these tapes were strong so Sebastian and the guys help her open the box. It took a while until they open the first box. She find an envelope with nothing written on it but a letter inside.

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