Ch. 11 Finding the Black Knight

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The night strikes midnight, Paul and his friends are waiting for Sebastian at their apartment. They're were pacing back and forth. Hoping that Sebastian is alright. It has been over hour and nothing from him yet. One of the guys decide to sit down. Both Jeffery, Zack and Victor sat on the couch while Paul kept standing up. Jeffery and Zack were new friends to Sebastian. Jeffery is this tall, caring guy. He loves helping those in need, that's how he gets all the girls. Unlike Zack, who likes playing video games but when a friends need help he's always there to help.

"Why?" Paul ask himself. Victor over heard him

"Come on Man. You know he did the right thing." Vic told him.

"Yeah man no was there so he had to do it." Jeff told him.

"I know but..." Paul said

"Hey Paul, he's fine I mean we were there." Zack said placing his hand on his shoulder.

They heard a door opening, the guy in the white suite walk out of the door.

"So? How is he?" Paul ask him.

"He's fine. Give it a couple of days." The man in the white suit said.

The guys cheer when they heard that. They shook his hand as a way of saying thanks. Zack then said to him "Put it in my tabs." They man said yes and left. They all went to the room. Sebastian was laying there with no shirt only with Band-Aids all around him but mostly on his right side.

"How you feel dude?" Victor ask him. Sebastian stood up right but Paul place his hand on him and gave him a push to go back laying down.

"I'm alright." He said

"Dude you had us scare." Zack said

"I know. But I had to do it."

"You could have kill yourself. What were you thinking?" Paul ask him

"Nothing just protecting her was the only thing that went through my head." Sebastian said.

"Dude I felt bad thought..." Jeff said

"Why?" Zack ask Jeff.

"She was telling us to wait. I bet she felt responsible." Jeff reply. He had a sad look on his face when he was think about that moment.

"Oh yeah but she had her friends there to calm her down. Right?" Victor said hoping to make them feel better.

"Yeah..." Sebastian said softly. Sebastian kept thinking about her. How she was crying when he took that hit for her. He remember her tears falling on to him. Her yelling for him. He couldn't take the image of her crying away.

"We will leave you to rest." Paul said to Sebastian.

"Alright." He said. The guys said good night to him and left the room. On his night stand the remote was there. He went and grab for it. He turn on the TV that next to the door. When he turn it on the news was on about the Guardians and the Knights. The news anchor was talking about how these young heroes are risking their lives to save the people. They were showing some clips of the guardians attacking and the Knights saving them. Then they talk about the leader of the group, Becky. The Anchor was saying that Becky is more than a hero she's a goddess. They also explain how she has the power to change monster to people. When Sebastian was listening to this he was smiling like a fool. He kept thinking about she better than a goddess. She more than that he thought. He look at his suit that was his chair. He went and took two pieces of a diamond. Both of it has a symbol. A symbol of light just like Becky and one of Courage. His friends had one similar to it. Paul has a blue one that says Friendship, Zack a grey one with Reliability, Victor a purple one with Knowledge and Jeffery has red one with Love.

He was studying the one he has on his hands. He just need to find the right girl and all his questions will be answer. As he was looking at the Diamonds his TV shut off. He thought it was weird but as he look around he could see a problem. It wasn't a power shortage he thought. Then it turn back on but only to a static channel. He try to change it but it wouldn't change. He plan to unplug the TV but before he could get up a face appear on the TV.

"Hello..." a voice said

"What?!" Sebastian said.

"Saying hello back is the polite way to greet someone." The voice said again.

"If I can see the person I would be more polite." Sebastian said sarcastically.

"How is a guy like you become a Knight?" The voice said. The image on the TV developed.

It was Desmond.

"And you are?" Sebastian ask him.

"Don't like you don't know me Black Knight." Desmond said.

"How did you know?"

"Well let's just said a little birdie told me."

"I see. But I want to know how did you find me?"

"Let's just say that a little wound told me." Desmond said cheerfully

"The Bullet?" Sebastian said furiously.

"I will tell you and only you..."

"Yeah? What do you want? A fighting lesson?"

"Don't be too modest Black Knight after all I did got you today." Sebastian growl at that remark.

"Listen I heard you have the Princess Diamond..."

"from the same birdie no doubt ..."

"Bring them to Alcatraz, you know the building right there..."

"Wait Why Should I bring them to you?!"' Sebastian demand him.

"Well With my help we can find the Princess together... or make a trade...." He said jokey him.

"Trade? What Kind of trade?"

"The Diamond for the Princess."

Sebastian just froze when he heard him saying that. He found her. All this time he has her. Sebastian has no choice. He agree to the deal. Desmond was pleased to hear it he also ask Sebastian if he knows where Alcatraz Building is.

"I know where it is" Sebastian bolster him.

"Bring them on the day after tomorrow just for you gather your energy..." Desmond pretending to be consider about him. Sebastian didn't like it. Desmond treating him like a weakling so he burst out saying, "Don't worry about that I'll be there tomorrow."

"Are you..." Desmond was going to ask but Sebastian interrupt him, "Don't worry I'll be there!"

"Alright be there. At Noon. Don't be late." Desmond said and his image on the TV vanish. The static of the TV left too.

Sebastian couldn't believe it. Desmond has the Princess. Is it a trick? He can't take any chances. Once he gets the Princess all his past, questions will finally have an answer. He try to go to sleep but he can't he try but nothing. He can't stop thinking about the Princess. What would he say? What would he do? All these ideas rushing through his head. All his life he been dreaming about the Princess now he's going to met her finally. He began to sweat of the idea of seeing her face to face. He lay on his bed thinking about her. His heart was pounding so heart he felt it was going to burst out. After a while he begin to calm down. It was morning, 8am. He only had 4 hours of sleep. Now all focusing on is the safety of the Princess.

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