Ch.8 Light and Dark Part 2

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While the team was getting the items for their return, Rebecca and the Black Knight were in a different world. Rebecca just woken up, it seem that she had been asleep for years. It was like an Amazon jungle but it has been habit with alien's life. She then looked around for the Black Knight. She sees him lying face down. The Black Knight had pass out, but his mask was off. The good thing, for him, was that he face was away from Rebecca. This is Rebecca chance to see who The Black Knight is. She began to crawl to him but as she drew closer she realize, how will she react? What will she say? Does she really want to know who he is? As all these questions we rushing in her head, the Black Knight began to move around. Once she realize what she was doing she stood up with her hands over her eyes and said, "Your mask is off." He seem too scared, she believe he was sacred because he thinks she found out his identity. "I didn't see anything. He stop moving around and said, "Thank you."

They were both amaze on this prodigious scene. The Black Knight told Becky that they should keep moving forward. Staying in one spot is not a good thing. So they began to walk but Becky didn't know where. The Black Knight told her to the mountains. He point to some mountains just east of them. She wonder why. He explain at least there they can see and find a way to go home. As they were walking Becky felt guilty.

"I'm sorry." She said.


"It was all my fault. If I haven't come he wouldn't capture me and..."

"No don't be. I was near the area. I was minding my own business but something in me wasn't right."

She looked at him with wonder.

"I knew someone was in trouble so I went with my gut." He said.

"I'm glad you came. But when he had me close I just felt hopeless." Becky said.

They kept on walking. Hours has passed by and they haven't seen any life. As they were walking Becky had this feeling that something else was there. She had this eerie feeling as someone was watching them. It was becoming dark. So the Black Knight found a tree branch and flame it. He made one for him and for Becky. They continue walking to the dark jungle. Becky still had that feeling of someone else being there.

"Hey..." she said to the Black Knight.

"Do you have that feeling like you're being watch?" He stop and looking around. She believe that he felt it too. As they pause the Black Knight felt a present near a narrow part of the jungle. Becky heart was thudding as if it was going to pop out of her chest. Without any warning, a beast of some kind jump above them and landed in front of them. It was type of wolf mix with cat form. It was petrifying animals. The Black Knight told Becky to walk slowly away. They both set off away from the beast. The beast with a looked of hunger. It growl softly as if he was talking to itself. It look like it was getting ready to jump at them.

Becky hearts was pounding so hard she thought the beast can hear it. Her body began to tremor with fear. Her mind was flooding with questions. She couldn't think straight. As her mind was about to explode she fell down. She gave a yelp and it trigger the beast's movement. It pounce toward them. They both dodge the beast at each side. The beast miss them. The Black Knight got out his weapon, the sword of courage. He began to attack the beast. Becky,who was on the floor, got up and use her bow and arrow. She aim for the beast but somehow she couldn't attack it. She feel that the beast is in pain of some sort.

"I want to try something." She said to herself. She put the bow and arrow away. She took out her wand. She thought of it in a quick moment. She wasn't sure what kind of reaction she will get from the beast.

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