Ch. 15 The Princess and the Crystal part 3

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"Now you know how important it is..."Athena told them, "...To keep Rebecca away from harm. She's our only hope to bring peace to this..."

"I can't." Rebecca said softly, "I'm a normal girl, who wanted to help out but just made matters worse." She was telling them. Impatient she pace back and forth from the space she had. She wanted out, she wanted to go back the way things were before. She grab her hair and growl. "I turn into the person that I don't want to be."

"Rebecca please..." Genevieve told her. She place her hand on Rebecca's shoulder but she shrug it off. "No, Genevieve. You don't know what it's like to receive this type of information and knowing that it was your fault." She began to cry. Then Zack pointed it out that it was Sebastian fault really. Desirey the rebuttal that remark. And Jeffery agree with her but then Ellen jump in but agree with Zack. Then one thing lead to another and they were all yelling at each other, blaming one another. Both Athena and Ben try to calm them down but no one was listening to them. Sebastian then look at Rebecca who standing watching them argue about this whole matter. "It's not your fault..." Sebastian told her. She gave him an angry look. "I believe it been my fault the whole time."

"As if!" she told him

"No really. We wouldn't be here if I haven't come and get you." He told her as he place his hands on her face. She was amaze that he would take the blame. The he nodded the way where the group was agreeing.

"Shut up!" she yelled at them. The voices descend from the arguments.

"You guys, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you guys." Rebecca apologies to them. "I'm just upset. Let's get out of here."

"Leaving so soon?" a female voice appear. It was Belladonna with Desmond, floating above them.

"What about the deal princess, I have must have something." Belladonna told her. Rebecca was thinking of giving up the crystal in order for them to escape. Would it be worth it? She doesn't want the horror to happen again. She was willing to give the crystal but Sebastian jump in before she can hand over the crystal.

"I'll go" Sebastian said melancholy. Rebecca was in shock. She didn't know what to do. Was she supposed to save him or willing giving him up? He turn to her and hold her hands, "I'll be alright." She shook her head with tears running down her eyes. The group was also telling him that it was a ruthless notion. Then he kiss her on the forehead and walk towards Belladonna. "Good" she recall. And both Belladonna and Sebastian disappear. Rebecca felt her emptiness inside. She felt sick from her stomach as if she had a bad flu that seem that you're going to die from it. She fell to her knees and began to cry. She cry not only for Sebastian but to the fact that she not strong enough.

Desmond was watching her from above. Then he decided to go down with her. She saw him coming down from overhead. "It's going to be al..." he was explain but she stood up and left a red mark on his face. "You have no right of telling me that! You think that being nice to me, right now, will make me fall for you, you're wrong!" she yelled with tears running down her face. "I know but Princess, please..." she just turn her back to him and walk toward the exit. The group then follow her. Athena and Ben was behind them. Then Desmond ask Athena to wait, so she did. "Please tell her he will be alright, I'll make sure of that." Athena just look at him and walk away.

"Desmond!" a voice shouted. It was Belladonna calling for him. He then transport himself to her.

"I'm sick to my stomach, Desmond." She told him as she watches, from her orb, Sebastian sitting in his cell. Then the orb turn black.

"My queen if you let me expla..."

"No! No more of this Desmond." From a far Laufeia was listening in to the conversation between them.

"'He be alright...I'll make sure of that.'" She recall to him. Mocking each of the words. Desmond's eyes open wider, he was shock but not surprised.

"What are you planning to do Desmond? Let him go when I'm not looking? Working with him? I won't stand by this. You know the consequences for treason?"

Desmond knew what it was but he didn't say anything hoping that she would reconsider her decision. She left her orb and pointed to him. He stood still with confident, showing her that he's not afraid. Then a bolt of black lightning burst out of her orb but something block the lighting from entering his body. The queen just laugh. "Where did I see this before?" Then went to her room. Desmond was astound to see Laufeia was on the floor by his feet. He knelt down to her and ask why? With every breath she try telling him all about the princess, and her love for him. He was sad to hear this from her, like this. "I always love you." Were the sweetest thing she ever told him? He just held her close to his body. She turn into dust that was soon blew away. He promise himself that her death wouldn't be in vain. He decide that he going to fight for her. No matter what.

Meanwhile, Rebecca and the gang headed the back way of the building. No one had said a word though out the walk down stairs. So they went to the park, by the fountain where they all meet. Athena began to talk first.

"Ladies and Gentlemen now that we know who were are let's work together and Stop Belladonna. Now we are one team." The gang just look at each other. "What about Sebastian?" Genevieve ask Athena. "Yeah we have to go save him!" Paul told her. She held her hand out and told them in whisper, "I know but there nothing that we can do." She said and they look at Rebecca, who was sitting on the bench looking at each couple walking by her, with a sad look on her face. Kelly went up to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. Rebecca look at her and with watery eyes face her face on her chest. Kelly wasn't sure what to say but gave her a hug. Then the whole group went to her and gave her a hug.

Athena and Ben was watching them. "Poor girl..." Ben said. "I know so young and she the hope of the world." Athena reply to his comment.

"Now we have to train her all over again" Athena said with a disappointing tone. "I know. But it will be worth it. I forgot how beautiful you are Athena." Ben told her. She gave him a look and he smile. Then they heard laughter from the group. Rebecca, from their point of view, was looking better, feeling better than before. Her friends were telling her that it's going to be alright and they're going to try their best to save Sebastian. They Knights also told her the same thing in a different way. Once everything was said they all said they're goodbyes and be at the gym to begin their trainings. Everyone was gone, expect Rebecca who was standing by the fountain.

"Athena? Are you 100% sure that I'm the princess. It's not like she's in me right?"

"Rebecca, all the world is a stage and everyone one has their part. We already been selected to play in it. It wasn't my choice. In terms I was looking for actors, in a way. But Rebecca, your are the star. You are the Princess."

"I think that my mother would be dissatisfied of what I have in my thoughts. Of what I'm thinking of leaving all this behind."

"Rebecca. Without you this group it wouldn't be the same. Please at least to show the group, be strong, be confident and don't lose hope." Athena told her placing her hand on both of Rebecca's shoulders." Rebecca felt that what Athena was explain made sense in the most part. She knew that she has to be part of this. Then she thought to herself as she was walking home alone, "Sebastian..." she thought to herself," I will find you. My Love. My Only Love"

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