Ch. 7 The Beginning of Light and Dark

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It was a week before Christmas. It was the time of year where people are getting the last minute Christmas shopping for their friends and loves ones. While everyone was out shopping Belladonna, sitting in her room watching past battles in her orb, is being impatience.

"What's taking so long? We should have got the crystal by now!" she roared.

"That little brat... we have to get rid of her. Becky... ugh! How I revulsion her. There has to be a way to get rid of her."

            She stood up from her chair began to pace back and forth. Her pacing was draining her energy out of her body. She was furious, her face was turning red it was like a red balloon.  She began to get ideas but she believed that they wouldn't work. All this thinking was getting her low energy.

"How? How to get rid of the child?" She said. She went back after the pacing, sat on her chair and began to look at the orb. She arise the orb from pervious battle. She observe the battle and she recognize the Knight, The Black Knight. She focuses on him more than the others in the battle. She began to picture him from the previous life but it won't connect to it but something in her knows that he's the connection.

"I have to perceive him more, but...yes!" she said. She then called Desmond and Laufeia. She then told them about the plan she had to capture the Black Knight.

"Are you sure my queen?" Desmond asked.

"Yes I want to know him and see if my conjecture is right"

They both agree and went to proceed the plan.

            Meanwhile in her home, Rebecca was getting the guest room ready for her sister. Her sister, Samantha Dawson, who is coming to visit them for the holidays. Samantha was married young, she got married by age 22. For her it's seem like a good age but for her parents they were against the marriage. She married, elope, in the spring with her boyfriend now lover, Elliot Dawson. He was her high school sweetheart, they meet in freshman year. At first they hang out as friends but it grew in respect then after it become love. Rebecca's parents were fond of him until he ask her dad, Robert Butler, for her hand in marriage. Her father wanted her to go to school and be happy. After weeks of trying to talk to him about it, they decide to elope. Rebecca's father was furious too but when he heard that Samantha will continued her school, he was fine but still gives Elliot a cold shoulder.

            That what Rebecca told Athena while they were in the guest room.

"I was around 15 when that happen and believe me that freshmen year my father wouldn't let go to a boy house unless they would come here instead." Rebecca continue.  "My little brother had no clue what was going on, he was only 12, but I kept telling him that she was the princess trying to be with her prince and he believe. But as he got older her understand the whole thing."

            Rebecca's little brother, Danny, is the youngest and last child her parents had. He different from Rebecca in so many ways and similar to her too. He was a typical boy who wants to be part of the bigger crowd, Rebecca wasn't so into that.

"I see... and your parents finally accepted your sister marriage?"  Athena asked Rebecca. She began to lay on the bed and roll over the blankets and pillows. When Rebecca saw that she went to pick her up from the bed and said, "Yes they did, after all she's their daughter and they love her after all."  Athena looked at her with amaze. She didn't think people will do that. They would forgive the person for hurting them. Rebecca, then, heard a car driving in from the driveway. She went to the window and sees her sister coming from the passenger seats and her husband from the driver seats. Her mother running out if the house was on fire. She ran to Samantha like she hasn't seen her in years. Her father was happy but not as happy as her mother. Rebecca sees her mother looking at her, showing her signs to go down and greet her.

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