Prologue (Love Struck )

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The alarm suddenly pounded in your ears, slowly causing your eardrums to crumble away into nothing but dust.

Groaning in agony, you fell off your messy bed with a loud THUD!

God fucking damn, you muttered in your thoughts, why is it Monday? And to think my extra hour of sleep paid off. What a pain in the ass.

You painfully pulled yourself off the dirty floor and dusted yourself off to go get yourself a bowl of cereal. (Your choice of cereal, not mine). After devouring your food, you stomped back upstairs to get dressed from your fluffy, cozy pjs, to your casual clothing. Then you silently combed your hair and smudged in your makeup.

Well it is a Monday.... I'll put my hair up because I have nothing better to do with my hair.

After your successful efforts to intensify yourself, you walked towards your beautiful (color) car.

You're 18 years old and it's your senior year in high school. You were happy to bid farewell to your mean-ass teachers and professors.

After driving away from home, you glared at any stupid teenager you could find, especially the ones that ticked you off the most. (Ugh freshmen)

Yay another day of school, my ass. You sarcastically spat out like venom.


After sitting in class, listening to your stupid teachers wasting their time teaching things you didn't need to know, almost falling asleep in class because you didn't care about your classes (you didn't fail any, you actually were really smart. That's why you don't care. You always aced any test and homework you had, so you didn't worry), and poking at your salad, not even close to being appetized by the leafy plants, you finally had the privilege to leave school.

Grabbing your bags and binders, you sped away from your locker and towards your car and threw the books into the passengers seat.

However, one thing suddenly pulled at your attention.... Right in the corner of your eye, you saw a silhouette of a man. You turned your head to look through the window, and you saw a handsome, yet dangerously mysterious man leaning against his black truck, smoking a cigarette. His black-raven hair turned glossy in the sunlight, and it was perfectly combed. He wore a black button up with skinny jeans with black combat boots. He also had been staring at you the entire time. His black orbs devoured your (color) ones. He silently smirked and winked.

This did catch your attention and your heart sped up, and you drove away in complete vulnerability. You were also as red as a tomato.
One conclusion came to mind:
You felt love towards him...

But, one thought was racing through your head:

Who was he?

Our Love Isn't Worthless (YANDERE! TEACHER! Levi X Reader) (hiatus) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt