Slow-Beating Heart

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Your eyelashes flutter with such speed. Speed faster than any type of light existing. A hot blush spreads across your face as your hands tremble with excitement.

He kissed you.

Like...2 seconds ago.

And your heart stops with surprise and yet- a guilty pleasure that you hate to show. You love it when someone would take control and instantly snap to do something sexy towards you.

Levi's eyes burn into yours, his youthful face turning from satisfaction to confusion. He clicks his tongue and frowns.

"Why aren't you speaking brat?" He pauses, glancing at your dumbfounded expression, "....Tch....not liking my smooches? Alright, I guess you don't need my affection after all," he stops again, smirking in amusement, "I hoped you enjoyed our little conversation."

He stands up and gives you a smile as he starts heading towards the door, but taking his cup of black tea with him, with it slipped lazily in his big hands.

Your blank face shifted to sadness, as you mentally reach out to grab his shirt and fantasize about kissing him again.

But something was still holding you back:

You don't know a thing about this man. You don't know his favorite hobbies and food. But why do you feel so comfortable with him?

A/N: I can't tell you hints I don't wanna spoil it 😏

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