Sudden Spark

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After laughing her ass for about 7 minutes like a deranged idiot she is, Lorea helps you get back on your feet, then volunteering to help dust yourself off.

"I fucking hate you sometimes...." you trail off, glaring at her with a deadly aura surrounding you.

Lorea looks surprised that you could even speak. "Love you too, (Y/N)." she gives you a slight wink and leaves the bathroom. You sigh and look at yourself in the mirror, then smiling at your self-confidence.

Wow, you think, I never knew I was this beautiful. But then again, I don't know what that beautiful man sees in me. I mean, I think I'm pretty boring with my daily hobbies of (YOUR CHOICE OF HOBBIES). Whatever, what do I do about him? Do I just talk to him or something? How about I approach him and chat about life? That's a good idea! Well, maybe....JESUS! Nevermind, I don't know what to do......

You clear you throat and walk back outside, your friends coming in good sight. You slowly sit down and stick your head in what your friends are talking about. After like 2 minutes, you decide to break the conversation and ask something rather important.

"Hey. Hey, guys. What do I do about him?" You gesture your head towards the raven-haired man, who seems to be enjoying his black leaf tea with a satisfied smile on his face.

Kayla and Evelena speak at the same time. "Go talk to him." and Evelena adds, "Give him your best shot, (Y/N). Maybe you'll start dating in the next few hours." she winks in a mocking seductive way, making you roll your eyes. Lorea and Kamryn nod excitedly.

"Fine. Here comes my best shot." You pull a weird face and they snicker, while you stride beautifully towards the man. He sees you and he turns towards your direction, and you see a smile form on his face. A genuine and welcoming smile.

He gestures to a seat next to him, "Well hello gorgeous. Care to join me?" he sweetly asks. You blush and nod adorably.

After some minutes of conversation about things you and he himself like to do, he stares at you again in deep concentration. You note the powerful passion and care- and even lust- in his silver blue orbs.You blush harder and continue what you were saying.

"I-I mostly like (Fav type of food- like Italian or Mexican or Chinese. Anything like that) food the best. It doesn't upset my stomach or....give me gas. I also like to ea-"

You can't even process what was happening and certainly what you were going to finish when his lips crash against yours, but only for a few seconds, like a strong but sudden and quick peck on the lips. You blush madly and put your fingers on your lips, tracing the moisture of his saliva and yours mixed together. He pulls away with a pleased smirk on his face.

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself. What were you saying again?"


Our Love Isn't Worthless (YANDERE! TEACHER! Levi X Reader) (hiatus) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt