Painfully Confused

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Your POV

After stopping at Starbucks to drink my favorite coffee, I go home and get out of my car.

I walk up to my sidewalk leading to the front door and notice it is unlocked.

Oh Levi, did you go into my house again?

I slightly chuckle of how adorable he is and walk in, throwing my heavy sweatshirt on the coat rack.

I forgot to mention Levi usually goes into my house to give me cute letters and roses.

I gracefully wander upstairs to check my room and open my door, noticing a beautifully written letter on my (f/c) bed.

I pick it up, blushing while reading the words he wrote. Once I finish, I get my phone and dial his number.

After maybe 2 waiting beeps, he picks up.

"Hello, my love~" he sings in the phone. I turn fire red.

"Hi baby," I pause and giggle, "I'd love to come over. What time then? I'm so excited."

He thinks for a moment. "Around 5:30? Would that be good? Hm?"

"Yes!! That'd be amazing! I'll see you soon Levi. I love you ."

"Hehe I love you too, brat. I'll see you soon."

After hanging up, I glance at the clock. Good, it's 4:30. I've got an hour to get ready.

. X .

After getting my makeup ready, which is the last thing I had to do, I got in my car and drove to his house on Parker road.

I sigh happily and close my car door and run up to the door, enthusiastically pounding 3 times on the door...............

-20 minutes later-

I can't believe it. I'm so confused. He lied? Why?

So many fucking questions are burning through my head as I run my hands thought my hair and tug at the same thin strings.

I'm laying in my bed, crying, confused, and alone in my house. It's 5:50 and it's really dark out because it was somewhat snowing yesterday.

I suddenly hear a knock at my window and I freeze, but slowly sit up and turn, and I whimper as I see Levi in my window, slowly opening it and climbing in.

"Hey, (Y/N), are you okay? You didn't text me back when I called. And why did you run away? What's wrong?"

I shake my head and quickly get out of my covers, running to the door but I scream as Levi slams the door when I had tried to open it. He grabs my cheeks when I hide my face and stares into my eyes.

"Please tell me what's wrong? I'm scared of what's happening to you. Why are suddenly so intimidated by me?"

I stare at him and after maybe 2 minutes, I speak.

"Why did you lie?"

His face turns to shock. "You heard what Hange and I were saying? Dammit."

I nod slowly.

He lets go of my chin, but still stares at me.

"It's not that big of a deal. I mean we can still be together, right? I'm not a pedophile so I don't see why you're so scared. It's not that big of an age difference, you know."

"Levi, please, I changed my mind. Can we just be friends or something? I don't feel like dating anymor-"

I stop mid-sentence when I see his expression. It was a face laced with exasperation and anger.

"I still want you though, so please, stay with me?"

"Levi. I don't want to. We can just be friends and forget about this okay? Please leave my room. I'll see you tom-"

He suddenly grabs my shoulders. And looks at me with fire angry eyes.

"Shut up!"

He slams me against the wall again as I tried to push him away from me. I open my mouth to scream, but he puts his mouth on it and fights my tongue for dominance.

He won, of course, and picks me up, tosses me on the bed, pins my arms by my head, and licks from my lips to my neck.

"P-p-please, Levi. Stop this. Please."

"Be quiet, shitty brat. I'm not giving you up this easily. You can't leave me. You can't. I won't let you. You're mine, alright? You're fucking mine."

Our Love Isn't Worthless (YANDERE! TEACHER! Levi X Reader) (hiatus) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt