Chapter 1

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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the summary of the story so im just letting you all know that there is much more going to happen with the subjects like the mysterious man, Natsu and Lucy's daughter, and why Lucy had to leave. Just letting you know! Luv ya!
This morning Lucy woke up to a sleeping Natsu in her bed. Next to her. Both of them were completely nude.

Lucy's head was resting on Natsu's extended arm, as her right hand lay there on his bare chest. Their legs were tangled under the covers and their noses were so close, they were nearly touching.

As Lucy slowly started to remember what had happened the night before to cause this embrace between her and Natsu, she started to quietly panic.

'Did him and I really? No, that cant be right. We couldn't have possibly?!' Lucy thought as she tried convincing herself the memory's she had of last night were only a dream. But there was no other explanation to why her and Natsu were now laying naked on her bed.

She tried not to wake the snoring dragon as she tried to slip out of Natsu's strong embrace. As she tried, Natsu kept pulling her close to him again.

She pushed his arm that was clinging to her waist, just far enough to where she could slip out. She got out of his hold quickly and quietly. When she was surfaced, She bounced on one foot a few times to keep her balance so she wouldn't fall.

She quickly tiptoed to her dresser and started to rummage through it. She pulled out a pink tanktop half shirt, denim shorts, and brown sandals then quickly did her hair up into a pretty ponytail.

She was about to step out the door when she realized Natsu was still here. She couldn't just leave him naked in her bed.

She tiptoed around her living space and picked up natsu's discarded cloths. When she was done, she looked up at Natsu and just stared.

'I really don't want to be the one to put put his cloths back on...' Lucy thought to herself as she groaned.

She quietly walked over to where Natsu was currently snoring upon her bed. She held up his underwear with disgust clearly shown on her face. She tried to look away as she slipped them onto him and then she put on his pants, carefully so she wouldn't wake him up.

When Lucy was done puting most of Natsu's cloths back on, she left her apartment. Only, she didnt head to the guild right away, in fact, she started into the opposite direction. The events that took place last night were playing through her head over and over again.

Lucy was just finishing puting on her pajamas after a large party that took place at the guild to celebrate Cana's birthday. She was tired and just wanted to go to bed.

As she was shutting the drawer of her dresser, she felt a cool draft from behind her. She was just about to turn around, but before she could, Natsu cought her in a hug from behind. She gasped as soon as Natsu's arms made contact with her waist.

"Lucy~" Natsu whispered into her ear as he snuggled his nose into her hair.

"N-natsu!" Lucy yelled, completely startled by Natsu's sudden gesture. "What the hell! You scared me!"

"Hm~" Natsu slurred, clearly in a drunken state.

"Get off of me you idiot." Lucy stated very agitated.

Natsu started to pull Lucy over to the bed.

"N-natsu! What are you doing?!" Lucy yelled. She was being pulled against her will.

Natsu turned Lucy around and started kissing her neck gently. Lucy moaned to this sudden action and Natsu growled with approval. They both fell onto Lucy's bed.

Lucy's back was on the bed while Natsu was on top of her in between her legs. Lucy's hands were on Natsu's chest, trying to push him off.

"Natsu." Lucy said bewildered.

"What?" Natsu laughed. "I'm just expressing how I feel about you." He slurred once more.

Lucy blushed as he started to move his kisses to her colar bone.

"N-natsu!" Lucy yelled as he started to slip his hand underneath her shirt. "You're out of your min-!" She couldn't finish her sentence before he pulled her lips to his.

Lucy started to fight it, but soon sank into the warm kiss. She wrapped her hands around his neck as he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

When they stopped kissing to take a breath, Natsu started to take off Lucy's shirt, showing her pink lace bra. She started to blush fiercely and tried to cover as much of her exposed cleavage as she could.

Natsu chuckled, layed on top of her and whispered in her ear, "Dont be shy..." And then he started sending kisses from her ear down all the way to her stomach.

Natsu came back up and kissed Lucy on the lips fiercely. He put his hands on her cheeks, pulling her closer, making the kiss deeper. Lucy pulled off Natsu's vest and put her hands upon his chest.

Natsu glided his hands down Lucy's sides until they found their way to the rim of her skirt. He pulled off the fabric and and then her underwear, earning a moan from her throat. It was like music to his ears, so he proceeded by taking off his undergarments.

(You know how the rest goes. I really don't want to get into details.)

Thinking about last night made Lucy blush and it put butterflies in her stomach.

'I can't believe we actually did it' Lucy thought. 'What does it make us now?'

She doesn't know how long she had been wondering, but she was guessing about an hour or so. So, she started to head back to her apartment to gather her thoughts.

When she entered her home, she noticed something missing that made her stomach turn.

Natsu was no longer there.

What was she even going to say when they saw each other again? Did he really feel that way about her? Did she really feel thay way about him? All of these questions were running through her mind like a never ending roller coaster.

But she had to talk to him.

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