Chapter 4

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Natsu's hands were in his pockets as he walked into the guild. His head hung low while his bangs covered his eyes. He didn't talk as he walked up to the bar, still thinking about him and Lucy's argument yesterday. He sat down and just stared at his hands folded on the counter.

Even though he wasn't looking up, he could feel the sad stares. He didn't care though. He was more concerned about Lucy at the moment.

It wasn't until Mira started talking that he was pulled out of his thoughts. "So, Natsu. Is there anything you'd like?" She asked politely.

"Yeah," Natsu started, and Mira gave off a hopeful look, "I'd like to know where Lucy is?" He finished.

Mira sighed, "She went on a job earlier this morning." She said while cleaning out a glass. "She's seemed pretty stressed out lately."

Natsu looked up, "Yeah, she's been acting weird. I wish I knew what was on her mind that was putting her so on edge."

"I dont know," Mira started, "You should ask her about it when she comes back."

"Do you really think she wants to talk to me?"

"Well you'll never know if you don't try."

Natsu sighed and looked down at his hands again. And as if on que, the guild doors opened, revealing a certain blonde everyone's been worrying about. He lifed his head again and looked back at Lucy.

"Lu-chan!" Levy yelled, running toward Lucy.

"Oh," Lucy looked in Levy's direction and a smile crept up her face. "Levy!" And the girls hugged.

"What's up?! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" Levy stated.

"Oh, umm, I've just needed to get away."

Levy gave Lucy a confused look, and Lucy rubbed her neck nervously. "Okay, umm, anyway! I have that book you've been wanting to read!"

"Really?! Levy, you're amazing!" Lucy said in a cheerful tone.

Natsu watched as Lucy and Levy walked across the guild. He turned around in his chair and stood up. Then he started in Lucy's direction.

He could here their chatter as he approaches. When he reached his destination, he cleared his throat to catch their attention. They stopped talking and everyone turned to look at Natsu. Except Lucy.

"Lucy, can I talk to you," Natsu said, and Lucy still didn't turn around, "Outside?" He finished.


As Natsu and Lucy approached the guild doors, Natsu set his hand on Lucy's shoulder as she walked in front of him. Lucy shied away from his touch, as if it were the scariest thing ever. Natsu then set his hand to his side, giving Lucy a confused look.

When they reached outside, Natsu closed the guild doors behind them and turned to face Lucy. "What's been up with you lately?" Natsu asked, raising his hands in question. "You've been avoiding me."

Lucy rubbed her arm as she stared at the ground, not being able to meet his eyes.

"Look at me." he said softly while grabbing her shoulders gently. "What's wrong?"

She stiffened as she looked to her right. She didn't like Natsu touching her after the event that happened a week ago. She didn't like him being in her presence, she couldn't take it. She wanted to kiss him all the time. After that night, she realized how much she actually loved him. It hurt her so much to know how Natsu didn't even remember.

"Luce... Talk to me." He said with sadness in his eyes.

Lucy, with a liitls resistance, answered, "I-I've just been stressed out lately."

"Why?" Natsu asked.

"Reasons I don't want to talk about." She said, hugging herself.

"Lucy, I can't help you if you dont tell me whats wrong!" He said assuringly.

"I-it's just..." She trailed off, "The night of the party."

"Yeah, what about the party, Luce?"

"You, and I..." She was going to tell him. She wanted to tell him. But she got cold feet at the last minute. "Never mind, I just need to go home." She said and got free of Natsu's grip.

Natsu stood there, staring at Lucy as she walked away. 'You and I, what?' he thought.

He turned around and walked back inside of the guild. As he entered, guild mates snuck glances in his direction as he walked back to the bar.

"How'd the talk go?" Mira asked as he sat down.

"She won't tell me what's wrong." He said with disappointment in his voice.

"I'm sure she'll come around." Mira said with reassurance as she wiped down the counters.

"Yeah." Natsu said. "Hopefully."

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