Chapter 20

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"Bring it on." Fuzen said challengingly. Natsu cracked his knuckles and gave him a hard glare.

Lucy weakly pulled on her chains."Natsu.... Stop...." She said, barely a whisper. Life as she knew it was slipping away and she didn't want to see Natsu fighting for her for nothing. But, the more she tried, the more weak she got. Natsu just stood there though, keeping his full attention on his target. "N-Natsu...." She tried again.

Fuzen put his hands on his hips. "The girls right y'know." He said as he gestured to Lucy. "Saving her will just be pointless." Natsu tensed and clenched his fist tightly. "I mean-" Fuzen couldn't continue when Natsu smashed his fist into the side his face.

Fuzen stumbled backwards and held his cheek. Blood pooled down his chin but he wiped it away. He huffed a laugh. "So that's how we're gonna do this huh?" Fuzen questioned.

Lucy could see Natsu heating up from rage. "Natsu.... Please." She pleaded with as much energy as she could muster, but it was no use, Natsu was already charging at Fuzen.

Natsu leaped and reeled his fist back to try and hit hard on Fuzen. Unfortunately, Fuzen dodged his attack and then grabbed the back of Natsu's shirt and threw him across the room. Natsu smashed into the wall behind him and created a pile of rubble that he was soon sprawled along.

"Her time is up."Fuzen said as he walked over to a table that was sitting along the back wall. He picked up an arrow and set down a bow. He pulled out a vile with a purple liquid inside. "And so is yours." then he dipped the arrow head in the liquid. Lucy's blood ran cold. The purple liquid he was dipping the arrow into was a poison that can kill you within seconds.... And he was loading the arrow onto the bow, getting ready to shoot Natsu with it.

"Natsu, watch ou-" Lucy was able to yell but was cut off when she heard a loud thud. She glanced up and saw Fuzen on the ground but with the arrow still in hand. Natsu ran up to her and broke her chains. Lucy fell to the ground but not hard because Natsu was there to help support her. "Natsu," She said as she still had his attention. "You shouldn't be here..."

"Of course I should!" He argued.

"No.... You shouldn't." Lucy said as she layed on the floor, about ready to black out.

"I promised," He said, "I promised I would never let anyone take away your future! And it's a promise I intend on keeping." He said as he held onto Lucy's hand.

Tears weld up in Lucy's eyes. "Natsu." She choked. "I-I can't be saved..." She said as her tears were now running down her cheeks.

Natsu gave her a confused look. "Wha-" He tried to say but couldn't finish because he was lunged across the floor by Fuzen's fist.

"Natsu!" Lucy tried to yell.

Fuzen hopped on top of Natsu and swung the arrow towards his head. Natsu caught his wrist and struggled to keep the arrow from penetrating his skull. They stayed like that for a couple minutes before Natsu made his move. He used his other hand to hit Fuzen in the side so he would loosen his grip. Natsu swatted Fuzen's hand and the arrow slid across the room and landed a few feet in front of Lucy.

Natsu kicked Fuzen off of him with incredible force. He flew off and into the wall behind him. He then reemerged with a groan that signified Natsu had caused damage.

With a satisfied smirk, Natsu walked up to Fuzen with his fist engulfed in flames. He picked him up by his collar and smashed his body against the wall.

Fuzen let out a nasty laugh. One that could make a person quiver in fear. "You're an angry one aren't you?" He teased and Natsu held onto the neck of his shirt tighter. Then he did something Natsu didn't see coming. He kneed him in the chest, causing Natsu to let go and stumble back a bit. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" He asked as he wiped blood off of his brow. He bolted and attempted to punch Natsu, but failed. Instead, Natsu dodged the attack and replied with an uppercut to the stomach.

They went on like that while Lucy just laid there and watched the battle in fear. She wished Natsu wasn't here. She didn't want to see him get hurt in her final moment.

She watched them throw punches at each other for a while until she saw something glisten in the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw the poisoned arrow. She looked back at the two fighting men and then back at the arrow. Then she looked at the table and saw the bow. An idea struck her.

She struggled to crawl to the poisonous object. She was just aboit to grab it Wlwhen she heard a grunt, she snapped her head back at the two men and felt a tinge of relief when it was just the sound of Fuzen falling to the ground. She turned back to the arrow and grasped it in her hand. She handled carefully so she wouldn't get any poison on herself. She slowly made her way to the table a couple feet away and propped herself up. She weakly grabbed onto the bow and softly fell back onto the ground.

She loaded the arrow carefully onto the bow and looked back at the two men. Natsu had punched Fuzen into the wall and Lucy took that chance to aim. She used the table to support her as she stood then lifted the bow and pointed it at Fuzen. He stood up and leaned against the wall in pain. He glanced over and widened his eyes when he saw Lucy pointing the arrow at him. And then she let go...


He lost his footing when the arrow made contact with his side and fell over. He stared blankly at the sealing as he began to lose consciousness.

Lucy lowered the bow. "Payback bitch." She said.

Natsu whooped and pumped his fist in the air. "Way to go Lucy!" He said in victory.

Lucy began to fall backwards and landed with a thud. And Fuzen gave out one last but very brief chuckle.

"Lucy?" Natsu asked when she wasn't responding. He turned his head and saw her limp on the ground. "Lucy!" He yelled im sudden alarm. He ran up to her and placed her in his lap and sighed in relief as he saw she was still conscious. "It's okay, I'm here." He whispered and repeated over and over again. "We're gonna get you help."

Lucy grabbed his vest and tightened her grip. "No." She said weakly as her voice cracked.



Yes! Im almost done! Yay! Im so excited! Just a couple more chapters and I will have finished my first fanfiction! ...I feel so accomplished∩( ・ω・)∩

Also, IM SO SORRY ITS LATE! I was pretty busy with volleyball club and stupid tests I've been taking all friggin week... But hey. It's here and I really hope you all enjoyed this new chapter! Luv you all!




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