Chapter 15

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Lucy watched as she saw Natsu exit the guild. She turned her attention back to the guild members and said, "I know a person who can help us. We can split into groups and leave tomorrow." And they nodded in agreement.

Lucy was about to follow Natsu outside when Levy ambushed her. She had tears in the corner of her eyes and fought the urge to burst out crying right on the spot. She shot forward and captured Lucy in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much!" She whispered then Lucy smiled and hugged her back.

"I missed you too." Lucy said and squeezed Levy tighter. They then released each other and Levy wiped the tears from her eyes with the palms of her hands. Levy huffed a laugh and looked up at Lucy.

"So, you have a daughter?" She asked and Lucy nodded. "Nashi?" And she nodded again. Levy placed her hand on Lucy's arm and said, "Well, I'm glad you're back."

Lucy's look softened as she said, "Me too."

Levy then slid her hand down Lucy's arm to the point that they were holding hands, "And we'll find Nashi." She said. Lucy squeezed Levy's hand and smiled thankfully. They let go and Levy walked away.

Lucy turned towards the guild doors and walked out. She looked around for Natsu and didn't see him. She walked down the stairs and looked some more when she found him sitting on a ledge. She slowly walked up to him and sat down. "Hi." She said with her head bowed. When he didn't reply, Lucy sighed. "I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?" He anwered immediately.

Lucy huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know, everything?" She breathed.

Natsu anwered her after a few seconds, "Like, leaving? Not saying goodbye? Not coming to me." Natsu spoke slowly.

Lucy sighed, "I would have if I could have, Natsu."

Natsu laughed and rubbed his face. "And why didn't you?" He asked sharply.

Lucy was quiet for a second before saying, "Because he said he'd kill you. All of you." She whispered.

Natsu didn't reply for a little bit but then said, "You didn't think we could have prevented it?" He didn't say it meanly, but kind of hurt, as if he thought Lucy left just because she underestimated her nakama.

"I was scared, okay? I didn't know what this guy was capable of! He said he was ready, and I didn't know what to think!" She yelled as tears formed in her eyes.

Natsu just looked down and folded his hamds in his lap. "And what about the girl?" Natsu asked. "You never told me you had a boyfriend."

Lucy clenched her fist. "That's because it's none of your business." She said calmly.

Natsu stood up from his spot. "What happened to you?!" He yelled. "You used to yell me everything! All I want to know is who the damn father is!" He continued and Lucy stood up too. "Who is it Lucy? Who decided to bang you and get you pregnant?" He finished, fuming.

By that last statement, Lucy was furious with him. She didn't know if it was the heat of the moment or not because she then yelled, "You did!"

Natsu's POV

I stood there with my eyes wide. "W-what?" I asked, completely shocked.

She was breathing heavily as tears collected in her eyes. "Are you happy now?" She asked as her voice cracked. "You're the one who decided to bang me and get me pregnant. You're the father Natsu." She whispered as she sat back down on the ledge.

I just stood there, not knowing what do or say. I didn't understand! What did she mean by I was the father?! I would remember something like that. Right?

"I-I don't understand... Wouldn't I remember-" I gulped, "Us doing that?" I asked, awaiting an explanation from her.

She took a deep breath before responding, "It was after Cana's birthday party. I left and went home before you challenged her to a drinking contest." She said as she looked over the ledge. "It was about an hour later when you came and we..." She trailed off, not seeming to be able to find the right words. My stomach dropped at her words.

...I was a father?...

Correction... I am a father...

Of Lucy's child...

"S-so, Im a f-f-" I tried to say but the word I wanted to say got caught in my throat.

"Yes." Lucy said. Then she hugged her knees to her chest and rested her head atop them. "Are you mad?" She asked.

I stood there like an idiot with a loss of words. I honestly didn't know if I was mad or not. I don't feel mad. But I also don't feel to thrilled either.

I don't know how long I've been standing there without answering her question, but she soon stood, not looking me in the eye.

"I understand..." She whispered and I just watched her as I saw a tear slide down her cheek. She turned around and launched herself towards the guild.

"Lucy wait!" I yelled but she didn't stop and soon entered the guild.

I just stayed there, feeling like a stupid idiot for not answering Lucy. And making her cry. I made her cry... And I feel guilty.

When she asked if I was mad, I don't know. But it really shouldn't be me being mad. She should be mad, at me, for.... Y'know...

I sat back down on the ledge and stares at my hands in my lap.

This was a lot to take in.

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