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Hey guys! I'm writing another chapter because, as dumb as it is, I forgot to add Nashi into the last chapter. And I had it all planned out and everything! Oh well. Here's your chapter. Enjoy!

"Are you sure?" Natsu asked as he helped Lucy out of her bed. "I mean, you're still recovering."

Lucy looked at him. "Of course I'm sure. It's Nashi's birthday." She said with a hint of annoyance.

Natsu scratched the back of his head. "Well we could have her birthday in here."

"Natsu." Lucy frowned. "I'm bot going to let Nashi's fourth birthday be inside of an infirmary."

Natsu carefully helped Lucy walk over to the door and made sure she didn't fall. "Yeah, I guess you're right. You win." He surrendered.

Lucy stumbled a little but Natsu caught her by her waist. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Just keep walking..." She mumbled and Natsu chuckled at her.

As they walked out, the noisy guild quieted a little when their attention was caught by them.

Erza stood up from her chair at the bar and ran to them. "What are you doing up?" She asked.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "It's Nashi's birthday." She said matter-of-factly. "Where is she?"

"Levy's taking care of her at your apartment. I was just going to send someone over there to get them." Erza said.

Lucy shook her head. "Nope. We're all going over to the park to have the party." And she started walking, rather limping, to the guild doors.

Erza and Natsu looked at each other.

"We'll be over shortly!" Mira yelled as Lucy exited. "Go with her." She told Natsu and he shoved his hands into his pockets and trailed after Lucy.

The walk there was silent but calm. Natsu glanced at Lucy in the corner of his eye and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He grabbed her hand with his and intertwined their fingers. Lucy looked up at him and a sweet smile complimented her features. He leaned in and planted a small kiss on her forehead and she walked closer to him.

"I love you." Natsu whispered in Lucy's ear.

She smiled. "I love you too." She whispered back.

Once they got there, they climbed the stairs and opened her front door.

Lucy hugged herself and looked around. "I never thought I'd be back here." She said.

Nutsu rubbed her shoulder before putting his hand on the small of her back and directing her to where Nashi and Levy were.

When Levy saw her, her eyes widened. "Lu-chan! I didn't know you'd be here!" She said. She hopped up and hugged Lucy.

Lucy laughed a little. "I've been in that infirmary for almost a week. Im relieved to be out." She said and levy released her.

"I'm just glad you're finally well." Levy sighed.

Lucy smiled at her and then turned her gaze to the playing toddler on the floor.

"C'mere you." Lucy said as she hoised Nashi up and into her arms. She tickled the little girl into giggles and then looked at Natsu's mesmerized expression. "Wanna hold her?" Lucy asked.

"Uh." Natsu started unsurely. "Okay." He took Nashi from Lucy and held her in his arms. He looked over her laughing figure and a smile crept up his face.

"Okay, lets get some food, bring the cake and decorations and let's head to the park!" Lucy exclaimed.

Everything was set up and everyone was there. Some of Nashi's old friends came, Mai decided to stay and of course the guild was there too.

All went well until Pin The Tail On The Donkey came and Natsu and gray were the first players...


"NO! I just so happen to be pro at this game." Gray said, congratulating himself.

Natsu raged and they went into a brawl.

Lucy sweat dropped before calling, "Okay! Who's ready to open presents?" And everyone ran to where all the presents were. Natsu and Gray reluctantly stopped fighting and joined everyone else.

Present after present was opened until Lucy thought there was no more. "Okay... Are there anymore presents?" She wondered aloud.

"I actually have one." Natsu piped up and Lucy turned to him.

He plopped Nashi onto his lap before pulling out a small pink box wrapped in gold ribbon. Nashi's face lit up before grabbing the gift and opening the lid. An absolutely gorgeous necklace was revealed. It was a beautiful red ruby in the middle of a gold star and encircled with diamonds. Natsu took out the necklace and undid the clasp before putting it around Nashi's neck.

Natsu turned Nashi to him. "Don't ever lose this necklace." He told her and she nodded as she mesmerized it.

When present opening and cake eating was over, Lucy walked over to Natsu and looked over the park with him.

"How were you able to pay for it?" Lucy asked and Natsu looked confused.

"Huh?" He said and Lucy sighed.

"The necklace. How were you able to pay for something like that?"

"Ohhh." Natsu said in understanding. "Well, I've been doing a lot of saving and thought, well, she was worth it." He said and Lucy smiled at him.

"Well it's very beautiful." She said.

"I have something for you too." Lucy looked at him in confusion as he reached into his pocket. Her eyes widened as she saw what he pulled out.

It caught everyone's attention as he kneeled on one knee and made people gasp and then cheer.

"I'm not very good at these stupid little speeches." He said as he shifted uncomfortably in his position. "But all I know is that I can't live without you. So, marry me?" He asked informally.

Lucy nodded for she couldn't say anything because of the tears of joy that were threatening to escape. She pulled him into a hug before choking out the word, "Yes!"

Everyone erupted into cheers and Nashi ran over to them. Natsu picked her up and pulled Lucy closer. "will you stay with me? He asked and Lucy held his hand.

"Of course." She smiled.



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