Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV

I was walking through the store with my one year old daughter, Nashi. She was playing with a butterfly toy when she held it outside of her stroller and dropped it on purpose.

I sighed, "No, no Nashi. Don't drop stuff." I said as I bent over and picked up the toy. I gave it back to her and she squealed with joy before shaking it up and down.

I put food and other stuff we needed into the cart and went up to register to pay.

Let's catch up shall we? I've now been gone from Fairy Tail for two years now and Nashi is a year and three months old. She took her first steps two months ago, and I was so happy! But now she won't stop throwing stuff.... It's still tough to be a single mom, but I'm handling it well and having fun through my journey. Though, I really wish Natsu could be here. Unfortunately, that was a choice I didn't have.

We walked back to where I've been living for the past year and a half after I payed. I lived in a small but affordable apartment and Nashi and I have made the best of things.

I pushed Nashi in her stroller while I held onto all the groceries. As I approached the door, reached out for the handle and opened it. I pushed the door open with my back as I pulled Nashi into the room. I turned back around and pushed the door closed with my foot. "Ah, there we go." I whispered, but said it loud enough for Nashi to hear. She just sat there playing with her toy.

I set the groceries on the counter then walked over to Nashi's stroller and picked her up. "Hah!" I exclaimed as I tickled her belly with my index finger. "Where are we going Nashi? Yeah, the kitchen!" I told her as spoke in a baby tone. She laughed all the way there and then I set her down on the counter next to tne groceries. I put them all away and then picked her up and held her into my arms. "Okay, Nashi. Ready to go to daycare?" I asked as looked at her questionably. She hid her head into my chest and shook her head. "Sorry, baby, but mommy has to go train today. I promise I'll be back for you when I'm done." I said and she tightened her grip on my shirt.

I gave Nashi over to the babysitter and waved goodbye to Nashi before walking away into my own direction.

I ended up in a building and was greeted by my trainer and friend. "Hello, Heartfilia." She said.

I smirked then greeted back, "Hello, Kenyon." She then threw a punch towards me, but before her fist could make contact with me, I ducked and knocked her feet out from under her, making her land on her butt.

She laughed and said, "'Bout damn time Lucy!" I helped her up and laughed with her. "You were never able to dodge that before. Good job."

"I learn from the best. So, what are we doing today, Mai?"

"Well, I thought we could work on your perceptive." She said, suddenly with a serious look. "Come with me." She led me to a wooden room and stopped in the middle of it. "Sit." She demanded. I obeyed and sat in the middle of the room. Then she walked out.


Then, all of a sudden, her voice was heard again. "Close your eyes." She said. I did so and relaxed a bit. "Now, concentrate on the sounds around you." I concentrated as more silence enveloped the room. I could here the wood creek underneath me and my breathing going in and out. It was extremely relaxing. Then, I heard the quietest click. Suddenly, a plank of wood came hurdling toward me so fast, that I normally would have been hit when I first came here. But I was quicker now, I lifted my foot and violently kicked the wood to the point that it broke in half.

Mai walked in and started clapping. "Not bad Heartfilia." Mai said impressed. "It was so swift and perfect. I'm seriously impressed by you right now." She said with a smirk.

We went through a few more techniques and before I knew it, training was over and I had to go pick up Nashi.

Mai and I were wiping off sweat with our towels before Mai spoke, "So, how's Nashi doing?" She asked.

I smiled and replied, "Good."

It was a few more moments of quiet before she started speaking again. "How are you?" She asked.

I stopped doing what I was doing for a second before proceeding. "Fine, I guess." I said finally.

She sighed, "It's okay to miss him y'know. Next time you see him, he won't hate you for leaving to go train." How I wish I could tell her the real reason I left, but I can't.

"Yeah, I know."

I had gotten done picking Nashi up from daycare and we were now sitting on the couch, looking at a photo album full of pictures of people from the guild.

"And look, there's Aunty Erza, and Aunty Levy." I said as pointed at a picture of Levy and Erza.

Nashi then pointed to a picture of Natsu doing a funny dance. I smiled sweetly at the picture before saying, "That's Daddy."

She looked at the picture, and to my amazement, she said, "Daddy!"

I laughed delightfully, "Yes! Yes that's right! That's Daddy!" She had said her first word! And to much of my satisfaction, it was daddy.

Gray's POV

I sighed as I glanced at the sulking Natsu seated next to me. It's been two years since Lucy left and Natsu's in and out of the guild occasionally. He doesn't leave as frequently anymore. But he still looks.

The guild has been the same other than the fact that Natsu and I barely fight. I wanna punch him right now actually, or insult him or somethin'. But that would be mean.... What am I saying?

"Hey, Ash for Brains, stop sulking and do somethin' useful once in your life." To my disappointment, he did nothing. So I'm just going to give up for today.

Erza's POV

I sat at the bar as I ate my strawberry cake. Before I took my next bite, I caught a glance of a very depressed Natsu.

I set down my fork as I looked at Natsu. Everyone knows he's going through a hard time right now. He leaves every other week to look now, but when he does, he disappears for a whole other week.

I miss Lucy more than ever, but I'm not taking it as hard as he is. Not even Levy is as sad anymore. I mean, it has been two years now.

But I guess his love for her is stronger than I really thought.

Natsu's POV

I sulked at the bar as I sat in my seat. For the past two years, I've been thinking about why Lucy left.

Was it because she was mad about something?

Did she hate Fairy Tail now?

Did something unavoidable come up with her?

Was she in trouble?

Did someonr take her?!

Did she hate us?

I refused to listen to that last thought. She couldn't hate us. She didn't even show signs of hating us.

I sighed as I layed my head in my arms on the counter top. I wish I could find Lucy. I wish she never left. I wish I knew why she left.

I wish I could tell her how I feel.

But I can't. Because I can't find her... I'm a complete failure to her...

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