Chapter 12

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Lucy's POV

It's been four years since my departure from Fairy Tail and Nashi is turning four in two weeks. She's been speaking fluently and she loves to draw. She's a pretty smart girl and she's reading books on her own. Thank god she got her smarts from me, I don't know what I would do if she thought like Natsu. She did get her selflessness from Natsu though. That, I'm proud of.

She also started going to preschool. She's made a lot of friends and gets along with everyone. She especially likes a girl named Kiki. Sweet girl really. She has deep green eyes like a field of healthy grass, orange hair like a sunset and tanish skin. They hang out almost everyday and I'm happy that Nashi can be such good friends with someone.

I've been pretty stressed out the past year though. Ever since mystery man and I last spoke, I've been especially alert. I didn't know what he had planned for what he was going to do next. I just hope it has nothing to do with Fairy Tail, and god forbid it has anything to do with Nashi. The thought of one of my nakama being hurt sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps. I rubbed my arms in attempt to calm myself down.

I then approached a building that happened to be my daughters school. I walked inside and the first thing I saw were kids laughing and running around. I looked around for Nashi and then I saw her sitting in a corner with Kiki while coloring. I walked over to them and said, "Nashi, are you ready to go?" I asked as I waved at Kiki.

"Yeah." Nashi said as she stood up and went over to put on her shoes. "Bye Kiki!" She yelled happily.

"Bye-bye, Nashi!" Kiki then responded.

I walked with Nashi out the door. "So, how was your day at school today?" I asked as I went to hold her hand.

She jumped happily as she responded, "It was great! Miss Killy played a game with us today and everytime someone won, we'd get a treat!"

"Oh." I said as I smiled at her. "What kind of treat?" I then asked curiously.

"Pretzels!" She exclaimed.

I huffed a laugh and then asked, "And, how many times did you win?"

She then chilled out and shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. Lost count." She said very coolly.

I chuckled and then said, "You get that from me y'know."

She looked up at me curiously. "Well, what do I get from dad?" She asked.

Her question made my stomach turn and then I laughed nervously. "Well, I guess you get his competitive spirit." I said slyly.

"He was competitive?" She asked.

"You know it. He would challenge everyone to fight him thinking that he would win but never did, only, when it came to the other dragon slayers, they tied? But I guess he did always get back up and brush off his shoulders." I said with a smile on my face.

"What else do I get from him?" She asked, excited to hear what I had to say about her father.

"His pink hair." I said.

"He has pink hair?!"

"Well I'll tell you right now, you don't get it from me, that's for sure." I said playing with my hair. "You get your selflessness from him too. No matter how difficult someone might have been, he never gave up on them. That might actually be what I liked most about your father." I said.

We walked in silence for a little while before Nashi said, "I wanna meet him."

My breath hitched when she said that, "W-well, I don't know when. But, I guess, I want you to meet him too." I said and we walked quietly all the way back home.

We entered our home home and set everything down.

"Im gonna go read." Nashi said and took off to her room.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I walked over to my couch and flopped down. I was so exhausted. I leaned back and a letter on the coffee table caught my eye. I leaned forward again and picked it up. 'Strange'. I thought. I opened it and it read;

'Times up. Can't wait to see you again.'

Yours Truly

My eyes widened as I read the note. 'He's coming'.


Natsu's POV


"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS FLAME BRAIN!" Gray yelled as we argued.

Over the years, things had slowly began to go back to normal, and now they were. I didn't sulk anymore, or disappear, and Gray and I started fighting again. I finally gave up on looking for Lucy. I still thought of her, but I didn't sulk over it anymore. I'm personally proud of myself. Even if it took a few years, I was still able to let go. I mean, it's not like she's gonna show up any time soon. And I clearly can't find her, so I'm working on making my life go back to normal again.

It's time to let go. Not to forget, but to just simply let go. Time for things to go back to normal. Even if it was is without Lucy.

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