Chapter 3

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Sorry. This one is pretty long.
The next day Lucy sat up in her bed, not wanting to get up. She didn't want to go to the guild today, she didn't feel like it. And maybe she won't.

She flopped back down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She just wanted to forget everything that happened with her and Natsu. She couldn't get that night out of her head. And she couldn't seem to find a way to get it off her mind.

Maybe she should go to the guild. Take a solo mission. Without Natsu. She'll be so focused on the mission, she wont have time to think about that night.

Lucy grunted as she lifted herself off of her bed and dragged herself to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she slipped under the warm and soothing water, she couldn't help but think about the affair inbetween her and Natsu.

"UGH!" Lucy grunted angrily while pounding her fists to her forehead. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" She scolded herself.

She turned off her shower and leaned against the wall. Why couldn't she stop thinking about it? Why couldn't she get him off her mind? She had more questions than she had answers.

She stepped out of her tub and and wrapped a towel around her figure. She was going to go to the guild today, and she was going to go on a mission. By herself. She had to get her mind off things.

"Hi, minna!" Lucy greeted as she entered the guild, and as usual everyone said hello back.

Lucy walked over to the request board and started scanning all of the missions. She had to find one that wasn't too short but wasn't too long either. It couldn't be too hard but it also couldn't be too easy.

She looked and looked until she came aross the perfect mission; seek out a group of thief's and put them in jail. Its seemed simple enough, it'll last a week at the very most.

She reached for it and ripped it off of the board. She started for the bar where the beautiful bar maid, Mira, was.

"Mira!" Lucy called on her way to the bar. "I'm going to take this job." She stated and showed the piece of paper to Mirajane.

"Okay." Mira said with a bright smile. "What about Natsu and the others?" She then asked.

"It's just me for this one." Lucy replied.

"Okay, well, be safe then." Mira said and waved to Lucy as she walked out of the guild.

As Natsu and Happy walked into the guild, Natsu scanned to crowd for a certain bolnde. When he couldn't find her, a look a disappointment crossed his face. Then he made his way over to the bar to see if Mirajane's seen her.

"Hi, Natsu!" Mira said brightly with her usual happy mood.

"Yo, Mira." Natsu said neutrally. "Have you seen Lucy?" He asked looking around the guild again.

Mira looked at Natsu, "Yeah, she went on a mission this morning. She seemed a little on edge too."

Natsu was a little shocked. Him and Lucy had always gone on missions together. If not just them, Gray and Erza came too.

"How come she went alone?" Natsu asked.

"I dont know. I asked if she was going with anyone, but she said it was just her." Mira answered.

Natsu was confused on how Lucy was acting lately. But he knew for sure something was wrong.

The smell of pine and rain was everywhere. It had been four days since she started her solo mission. She had been talking to people and looking around to find clues on where these thieves could be.

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